01. Favorite Character
Merlin of course! and Gwaine!
02. Favorite Male Character
Merlin and gwain, like I said before
03. Favorite Female Character
Morgana and Guinevere
04. Favorite Episode
Goblin's Gold, Gwaine, the servant of two masters, the poisen
05. Favorite Season
all seasons I think! But I think I don't really like season 5
06. Favorite Sub Character
uuhm... i don't know really... can't really remember all their names :X
07. Favorite Couple
Arthur and Gwen!!
08. Least Favorite Character
09. Favorite Actor/Actress
Eoin Macken, Katie MacGrath, Colin Morgan, Bradley James
10. Favorite Guest Star
dunno :C
11. Overall Favorite Moment
oh no! so many!!! uuhm.. I think episode 04x02 when Merlin is deadly ill and Arthur is all bromance like!!!<3
12. Happiest Moment
When Merlin wakes up in The Poisened Challege and Gwen kisses him in relieve.
13. Saddest Moment
everytime Merlin gets hurt of course!
14. Moment you found frustrating or made you angry
everytime Uther is on screen! although I don't hate the actor!
15. Favorite Quote
"You're such a GIRL Merlin!"
16. Favorite Arthur and Merlin Moment
every scene of course! MERTHUR BROMANCE UNITE!!!!
17. Good Morgana or Evil Morgana
I think I'm the only one who like the good Morgana better than the evil Morgana.... >__<
18. Favorite Knight of the Round Table
I like all the knights!! but if I have to choose I go for Gwaine!
19. Favorite Outfit
Merlin outfit!
20. Favorite Friendship
Merlin and Arthur, Merlin and Gwain, Merlin and Gwen
21. Favorite Bad Guy -
Morgana en Nimueh.
22. Something you wish would happen
something like the Poisened Challenge, alleen dan met Arthur en de Knights in het bos, en dat ze niet terug kunnen naar Camelot voor hulp. En dat het dan uiteindelijk wel allemaal weer goed komt op het nippertje... yeah I know! I'm a BIG Whump/angst and Hurt/comfort fan :)
23. Something you wish hadn’t happened
(SPOILER SEASON 5) Dat Merlin tegen Arthur zegt dat er geen plaats is voor Magie in Camelot
24. Favorite Magical Creature or Being
the unicorns, the dragons and all the other good magical creatures.
25. Favorite thing about Season 1
the stupidity of Merlin
26. Favorite thing about Season 2
When Uther marries a Troll!
27. Favorite thing about Season 3
28. Favorite thing about Season 4
every time Merlin tries to kill Arthur but fails badly>-<
29. Why do you watch Merlin
I love the time they live in, there are hot guys everywhere, it's a good story, I love the Arthur legends and it's a BBC serie!
30. Favorite thing about Merlin
Merlin himself? He is just so awkwardly cute!

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