This is the last thing the last words the girl who committed suicide said, translated into English.

Understanding people read to the end.
Still, life is good stuff, and I live it ... I satellites in a lot of pain, tears, sorrow, and loss. I'm tired of all this hate! Tired of wearing face masks! What in this life can be good! There is, perhaps, and maybe something good, but not for me ... Many would call me selfish and say that I'm not thinking about my friends and family ...
Though friends I never was ... It's a shame, when suddenly turns that your friends and not friends at all. It's just people. The people with whom you are having a good time. The people with whom you walk on the weekends. The people with whom you laugh at yourself. Fooling around and having fun. But, when you feel bad, they go away. They are created only for fun, for extras, a kind of empty picture. Their meaningless words ringing in their ears. Laughter, lights, flash. But no, no trust, no mutual or heat. It's a shame when you realize that friends - not friends, just some people, whose lives you quietly appeared, and so not much disappear.
And what to say about the family? Perhaps there are only a few people in my family who love me. This is my mommy! Mom, I love you very much, always loved, and will love you always! You're the only person who loves me just for the fact that I have! And thank you for it! Do not forget about dad, brother Valerochka, and about the dog Rose, I love them))) The second man is of course Dad! Dad you're very dear to me, has always protected me from my mother, when she swore, you allowed me to do absolutely everything! And for that I love you! Thank you for being there! And the last person I probably too expensive, this is my brother Valery. Valery, you have always been dear to me! Sometimes you seemed a little strange, but all people have oddities. With you I was always very interesting, you're very smart, kind and caring I see it. You know what I wish guessed the new year? I wish that everyone on this planet to be happy, and at that moment I thought of you, I really wanted, what would you be happy! Find, at last, that the girl and the job, it will be the best gift for me! I love you brother ♥
And the most precious thing I had in the last months of life, is a German rock band Tokio Hotel. I can not imagine how I had lived without their songs ... posters ... and this fanaticism ... The days were desert ... there was no sense of life .. but their appearance, I began to see the world with the new color ... I began to have dreams and the meaning of life ... And I want to thank them for that ... Thank you for having breathed life into me!
And I love their lead singer Bill Kaulitz's group, and I do not know why, just like ... It's almost impossible to describe in words. I remember that day when I first saw him. Something unimaginable flashed through my head. Shiver ran through the back, and his heart sank, it was the day my life changed forever ... And if I when be met Bill, I said to him:
You are beautiful ... Perfect, sexy ... Talented! Mysterious, feminine, stylish ...
selfish! Yes, it is! And who is not selfish? Each of us has notes of selfishness. Romantic ... It is a pity that such people are less in this senseless world. Modest ... And at the same time shocking. You can surprise anyone, but the only positive ... Manicured fingers ... Fingers ... How do I want them to be intertwined with my ... So you leaned over and gently - gently kissed her soft and tender lips my lips ... No matter the distance, no matter what ... I love ... I love you with all my heart, in which you lived forever ... I want to say thank you to your parents .. because if they do not .. would not you ... these songs and my love for you ... I love you so much that even decided to die at the time of your birth 06.30
Ah, if Bill even when you would hear these words, I would be the happiest in the whole world, but he never, ever know ...
I just want to ask for one. Let those whom I road, I did not forget.
While the boys ... See you in a very long time ... over there ... top ... or bottom, you was Zemfira Ilfatovna

13 year old -_- really? why the fuck.. this gets me angry more than anything

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