Yesterday, a boy I used to know ended his life. I can do nothing more than accept his choice, he wasn’t as strong as he was before. He didn’t see the point of life anymore, and the fact everything would be better didn’t bother him anymore: the fear he lived with, it was tearing him down from the moment everything began. This boy was special, talented, he just finished his education, had a girlfriend and a pretty great job for the age he was. He was a singer, well known on YouTube.
I can’t say I miss him, because honestly, I’m not a friend of his. But I know him good enough to feel empty at the moment. I can’t describe this feeling, but there’s more. This is going through my whole country, and at this moment there are 2 kind of persons. 1: the persons who respectful. 2: the persons who are selfish, the persons who tell everybody this boy, the boy who had the fucking courage to end his life, is “selfish”.
I bet the people in the train he jumped in front of where fed up. ‘How could he jump in from of the train, Jesus.’ ‘I’ll be late for work, how could he have done this?’ ‘He’s fucking selfish, he’s causing delay for everybody.’ Shut the fuck up. People who dare to end their lifes aren’t even able to think of others’ sorrow, they’re struggling enough with themselves. They wake up in the morning and think ‘This is the day, this is the day my life will end’ and you fucking dare to tell them they are selfish. How can you even do so, how can you even be that selfish. You live your life too easy, he unfortunately didn’t.
His choice wasn’t selfish at all. People who try to stop someone taking his own life are the most selfish.

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