Skywatch zei op 12 april 2012 - 22:27:
Niall ran outside, desperate to see her once again, because he knew this was real love. According to him, love at first sight existed, he had experienced it. Vivian, that was the girl he needed to see one more time.
"Ugh Liam, do I really have to go with you to that pub? I'm really not in the mood tonight..", Niall whined. Liam looked at him with a monkeyface and said afterwards: "Yes Niall, because you're a grown up leprechaun now and you always do what I tell you. That's why I love you so much." Liam gave his friend a quick pat on the shoulder and went upstairs to prepare himself. Finally he would meet his old friends again and he was dying to introduce Niall to them. Matt, Alex, Andy and especially Vivian. She was like a sister to him and he couldn't wait to hug her again. She always said he was her little hugbear. Liam smiled at that thought while he was searching through his closet after a shirt.
"Niall, you ready? We need to go now! Hurry up, we'll be late!" With a lot of noise, Niall came down the stairs. He looked like he came straight out of bed, but as usual Niall got away with it, he was still sexy, still goodlooking. "Yeah, here I am. Dude, why is it so important that I meet your friends?", Niall asked with a sigh. "Because my friends are the most amazing people in the world. Niall, I'm sure you'll get along with them. Wait 'til you meet Vivian. She the cutest girl I've ever met, I'm sure you'll like her. You two would make a great couple.", Liam said with a wink. "Alright then, I believe you, but don't push me. If I like her, maybe I'll make a move, but don't you dare to play Cupid. I'm old enough to take care of myself!" That was the last thing Niall said before they got in the car and with full speed they drove away.
"There you are!", Andy said happily after he saw that Liam and Niall had entered the pub. With a few hugs, they welcomed the two buddies. Last in row was Vivian. A little bit shy, she smiled at Liam before she hugged him like crazy. "I missed you, little hugbear. How long can you stay this time?", she wispered. Liam pulled his head away and looked at her with a sad face. "Probably by the end of the week, we'll have to go again. Sorry.." She shrugged and said it was fine although she felt terrible at that moment. "But I want to introduce the following guy to you", Liam said while he stepped aside and Niall came forward. From the first minute he saw her face, something inside him changed. Her smile gave him goosebumps and for a minute he didn't know what to say. "Hi, I'm Niall.", he stammered. With a gentle move, they shook hands and for Niall it felt like an electric shock, but Vivian felt it too. She was impressed by the blonde Irish kid. There was something about him and she was determined to find out what it was.
After a couple of drinks, Vivian looked at her watch and when she realised it was already after midnight, she said she had to go. With a sad face, Vivian and Niall looked at each other. After an evening of chatting, they got really close, nobody expected that, except Liam. "Sorry guys, I have to go otherwise my mum will kill me." She hugged them all and said goodbye. At the door, she waved one last time. Niall went crazy in his mind, One Direction would leave on Saturday, so he wouldn't see her again and he couldn't handle that fact "I'm going after her.", he said to Liam and his friend smiled. "I knew you would, you go Irish leprechaun!"
Niall ran outside, desperate to see her once again, because he knew this was real love. According to him, love at first sight existed, he had experienced it. Vivian, that was the girl he needed to see one more time. At the corner of the street, he saw her walking. He shouted at her causing her looking back. When she saw Niall she smiled like a freak, so happy that he came after her. She thought it was really romantic. "I couldn't let you go like that, Vivian. I have a question for you. Do you believe in love at first sight?", Niall asked to her with a soft voice. She wispered back. "I guess, why?"
"Because I think I have found the love of my life."

Reageer (1)

  • Arachme

    you don't know you're beautiful and you don't realisehowmuch you deserve all this. Don't let people talk you down , your smile is gorgeous. My heart will always be for a bit in holland x

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