"Have fun!" You looked at your friend Zoë with a look of surprise on your face. "I'm just meeting Zayn for lunch... Like I have been for the last couple of days..." Zoë just stared back at you, a cheeky grin clearly present on her lips. "Have fun love," she repeated. You gave her a questioning look but let your feelings of her acting weird slide when you heard the doorbell ring. "That's Zayn. I'm off werido," you told Zoë, "I'll see you tonight!" "I'll see you tomorrow!" A frown crept over your face. 'Weirdo...'you thought by yourself.
"Hello beautiful." A smile appeared on your face when you looked at your boyfriend Zayn. "Hello to you, handsome," you smiled back. Zayn grinned and placed a light kiss on your lips before he took your hand in his own and your fingers intertwined. "So where are we going today?" you asked him, curious what he had in mind. Zayn looked down at you, a mysterious smile on his face. "I'm not telling you, it's a surprise." You walked some streets hand-in-hand, talking about Zayn's upcoming tour and your work. "Zayn?" you asked him sweetly, batting your long lashes, "Where are we going?" Zayn just laughed, knowing you wouldn't give up on the subject. "I'm sorry, shorty. But that's confidential." You skidded to a halt and aimed a fair punch at Zayn's arm. "Don't ever call me that!" you laughed playfully. Zayn pulled a face and rubbed his arm. "Ouch, that hurt. Remind me to never get in a fight with you..." "Noted," you said, placing your hand in his again.

"One more step, that's it, aaaaaand we're here! Open your eyes, beautiful." You slowly pushed Zayn's hand away and let your eyes adjust to the bright light. Your mouth just dropped when you saw what Zayn had arranged: a secluded cottage in the woods. You could hear birds sing distantly high in the trees and the sun, peeking through the leaves, warmed your skin. "I thought we could use a day or two alone." Zayn's lips tickled your neck as he spoke in your ear. "Sounds perfect," you said, breathlessly.
"There's one thing you forgot about," you said twenty minutes later, after discovering every inch of the cottage. Zayn looked up at you. "Anf that is?" he asked, curious. "Clothes. And toiletries." Zayn grinned cheekily, "d'you think we need those then?" You laughed and let yourself fall next to Zayn on the couch. "I guess not," you answered, a sly smile on your face. Zayn put his arms around you and bit his lip trying to hide a smile. "What's so funny?" you asked him while a finger traced his scruff. "It's just..." he started, "I never imagined being in this position." You looked up at him, grinning. "What position? Hugging a girl?" you chuckled. Zayn grinned and looked at you with his intense brown eyes. "No, being so madly in love with the perfect girl." Your heart skipped a beat and you started to smile like an idiot. "I love you Zayn," you whispered. "I love you too, Amy," he whispered back, "so much."

Sleepily, you opened your eyes. A small grunt left your lips when you realised you had a bit of cramp in your neck, must've slept in a wrong angle. Just when you were about to stand up, you realised Zayn still had his arms around you. A smile appeared on your face when you looked at his sleeping face and you had to stop yourself from placing a light kiss on his lips, because you were scared to wake him. Slowly, you ducked under his arm and stretched your limbs when you were standing up again. On tiptoe you walked out of the room and snatched one of Zayn's shirts from his bag, you could use a clean outfit. After pulling on his shirt and putting your hair in a messy ponytail, you stepped into the kitchen and tried to make a descent breakfast.
You jumped when you felt two arms wrap around you from behing while you were flipping eggs around in a pan. "Making breakfast?" You heard Zayn say in his brisk sleepy voice. You nodded and took one of Zayn's hand off your waist to hold it. "You're insane, I should be making breakfast for you." You smiled, turned around and stepped on your toes to place a kiss on your boyfriend's lips. "You're welcome to take over," you grinned as you handed him the spatula and Zayn just stared at you. "Quick to act, aren't you?" he said smiling. You grinned and tapped his behind in affection. "You gotta prove yourself in the kitchen Zaynie." Zayn dropped the spatula and turned around. "You're in trouble now, gorgeous," he smiled and picked you off the floor. Smiling like crazy, he dropped you on the couch and placed kisses all over you. "Is this my punishment?" you grinned. Zayn shook his head. "You're punishment is not being kissed on the lips." You laughed as he kissed your neck and the strong feeling you had for him wouldn't subdue. Your thumb stroked his cheek affectionately and slowy you pulled him closer. "I love you Zayn," you told him earnestly. Zayn stopped teasing you and hovered over you, his face inches away from yours. "I love you Amy, with all my heart."

Reageer (1)

  • Irishsnow

    wat mooi! En die plaatjes zijn cuteee

    1 decennium geleden

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