Your eyes flutter open while the morning sun warms your legs. A smile appears on your face when you turn your face around to see your boyfriend fast asleep laying next to you. As you curl up next to him, you can feel him wrapping his arms around you and his lips making contact with your forehead. Your smile widens when he opens his gorgeous brown eyes. 'Good morning beautiful,' he murmurs with a low voice. 'Do you have to go back?' he finally asks you, like he has been for the last few weeks. You nod slightly. 'I have to, Zayn. You only had one week off and I have school in two days...' Zayn let out a small sigh as you reminded him. 'I know, I just wish I didn't have to say goodbye to you.' You looked at him, 'I know.' His finger started making circles on the skin above your hipbone. 'Just a few more minutes,' he said, pulling you closer, 'reality can catch up with us then.'

'Waffles,' you smiled at Zayn as you put his breakfast on the table. Zayn looked up from the juice you made him earlier and smiled. 'What am I going to do without you, Em?' he asked, closing his fingers around your wrist and pulling you closer. You let out a chuckle and buried your nose in his neck. 'Starve,' you grinned. 'Most importantly, how will you survive without my shirts?' Zayn asked you again, indicating the fact that you were wearing one of his shirts. 'Who said I'm living without them?' you said cheekily. 'Who says I don't have some of your shirts packed in my bags, to take home with me?' Zayn smiled as he watched you grab your plate from the kitchen counter and take a seat opposite him. 'I hope you left something behind for me then,' he grinned. 'Maybe I did.' You smiled as you saw Zayn's mouth drop. Zayn reached over the table and pressed a light kiss on your lips. 'I love you, Emma.' Your gaze dropped to the table as your cheeks flushed red. 'I love you too.'

'Ready to go?' Zayn asked, intertwining your fingers as he held your hand. You nodded, throwing your bag over your shoulder and handing your suitcase to Zayn's outstretched hand. He opened the door from the hotelroom and lead the way outside, into the hallway. 'I'm going to miss you,' he said, looking down. You stopped in front of him, stepped on your toes and gave him a light kiss on his lips. 'I'm going to miss you more. But think of it this way: we had an amazing week in New York and I'll come over in the next holiday.' Zayn nodded and put his arm around your shoulders. 'I know, I just want to spend some more time with you.'

Zayn shut the door of the car and placed his fingers on the window, waving you goodbye. He had one last shoot in America before he was heading back to the UK and didn't even have the time to wave his girlfriend goodbye. You gave him a small smile whilst the car took off, leaving Zayn behind. A deep sigh left your lips as you set back on the car seat. Time to fly back home...

With his mind on you, Zayn looked absentmindedly to the floor. 'Zayn, where are you with your head man?' Niall shouted at his friend. Zayn blinked and stared at his friend. 'I'm sorry man, Emma is leaving today and I couldn't even drop her off at the airport...' Niall looked sympathetically at Zayn, knowing how much it hurt his friend not to spend time with the girl he loved. 'Go get her man.' Zayn looked up, an onreal smile on his face. 'I can't, we have work to do.' Niall put his hand on his friend's shoulder and shook his head. 'Go get her.' Zayn flashed his friend a smile. 'Thank you.'

He dashed through the airport, trying to remember which gate you would take. He was photographed from every angle and couldn't focus on where to go. 'Stupid paparazzi...' he murmured. "The flight to Amsterdam will leave in ten minutes from Gate 7. I repeat: the -" Zayn's eyes opened in shock and his heart fluttered with joy. He could make it. If he was fast. Whilst sprinting through the airport, he snatched a rose from a flowerstand and made a mental note to pay for it later. If he would make it.

He skidded to a halt in the hall of Gate 7 and looked around. "Where is she?" he thought as his eyes looked for her gorgeous face. A smile appeared on his face as he found you. The girl that changed his world. His smile widened when he saw a polite smile appear on your face as you greeted the man behind the coffee-counter. Zayn pulled out his phone and typed as fast as he could, slowly making way towards you.

'Thank you,' you smiled politely at the man behind the counter. 'Have a safe flight,' he smiled back. You gave him a slight nod and made your way towards the Gate as your pocket started vibrating. You pulled out your phone and bit your lip, your smile leaking all over the edges, as you saw it was from Zayn. A slight frown appeared on your face as you read the text and you looked up, looking for him. 'Hey, love,' Zayn smiled at you. You jumped in his arms and hugged him tight. 'Hi,' you whispered softly. 'Don't you have to work?' you asked surprised. He looked into your eyes. 'I'm not letting you go love. Not this time. Not ever.' You smiled and held his hand as the intercom announced that the plain would leave in two minutes. 'Zayn...' you said reluctantly, 'I have to go...' 'I know,' he said, 'I'm coming with you.' You looked up at him and frowned. 'You have no stuff with you,' you said surprised. Zayn grinned cheekily, 'I don't think I need any stuff.' You snorted and pulled him close. 'I love you, crazy man.' He grabbed your hand as you guided him to the Gate. 'You know,' you started, 'we can't keep travelling the world for each other, I have school, you have work...' Zayn stopped you and placed a kiss on your lips. 'I think I have the solution for that problem.'

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  • Bennedict

    I have a blog O.O

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