Zilo 1 week geleden
Alsjeblieft, haal hem niet uit het verhaal. Liam heeft hem nodig. Wij hebben hem nodig en erover lezen is al één ding. Ik smeek je. Doe het alsjeblieft niet. Je bent de enige die Ziam zo kan uitschrijven dat ik voor ogen heb. Natuurlijk beslis je het zelf ook nog altijd maar... laat hem alsjeblieft niet uit ons leven verdwijnen omdat hij eventjes weer tot zichzelf wil komen... <3

Jubilee 1 week geleden
Ahw, I wish I could give you a hug right now. ):

Jubilee 1 maand geleden
Don't you even dare! Your words are way too good to stay unsaid!

Jubilee 3 maanden geleden

Les bons amis sont comme des étoiles.
Tu ne les vois pas toujours, mais tu sais qu'ils sont toujours là.

Arachme 1 jaar geleden
I need more of your writing. And I miss you.

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
"How are you feeling about spending Christmas with all the cameras around?" the journalist asked sincerely. You just shrugged and looked at your two little girls, playing with their father. "I'm spending Christmas with my family. There's nothing unusual with that."

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
I love you, honey.

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
I miss you so much it seriously aches and makes me want to cry. I love you Emma, you're amazing.

Brave 2 jaar geleden
I love you too

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
I feel sad leaving you behind.
I love you.

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
Are you done writing this story for me? Or do you want to take over? I bet you'd do a better job anyways.
Oeh! Well, who cares. There's someone very special waiting for you!
My va is very kay. I'm just tired and suffer from headaches and I'm scared for England and I need to pee every five seconds and I have to do something for my brother and I want to finish your story but I can't because I have this massive writers block and everything I write is poo and when I'm like 'why is this happening, I used to write pretty well, at least that's what I thought' and then my mind goes like 'because no'.

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
In a while crocodile. I could be the one, I could be the one for you. I love you darling!

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
Pfffine. Just don't get upset when all your tweets are fucking weird. Please. Oeh, I like that! I'll try to finish this one for you, so you can have something nice to read in the car. Or whatever, haha C;

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
I get that (you liking L). I just had a big-ass plan with this. And Carlone fuck. I can't spell Caroline could be nice. I don't know her.... HAHA, so you really want me -the hermit of twitter and the most disturbed person in the world- to be in charge of your twitter?

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
I know you without knowing you! Result! Hahahahahahaha as if. Maybe it's Liselotte. Perhaps it's Caroline bwhahahahahaha. Maybe it's a GUY! Which isn't possible since I said girlfriend. Why are you awake? How long 'till you don't have internet any more?

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
That's a long one. But I wanted to give you something before your vacation! Have fun darling! I'm going to finish it now, because I have to! I'm having way too much fun with this!

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
Ahw babe! Thank you! I really enjoy writing this, it's gonna be stellar! And I love you. Truly. Madley. Deeply.

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
Shorter. Maybe a bit lamer. But it will get better! I promise!

Brienne 2 jaar geleden
You deserve it. You're such a good writer.

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
Ahw babe! You're being way too sweet!
And you deserve this because I love you, ok? Besides, making you laugh and smile and just happy is kind of a reward for me. So don't worry about it! And I have massive plans for the next parts!

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
About your second: I do that too! Then I just become a name-Nazi and creep on everything that could be creeped on. I like that.
I wish you luck about your third. Cleaning your room is HARD.
I love you loving me. Makes me happy :3

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
Well, first of many, I have a splendid idea which I will be posting in your GB and because I am a very slow writer and I kind of like to torture you (muhaha) it will be in several parts (yay! or so I hope)
Second (of the many) I'm just a weird GB creeper and I love creeping in personal stuff of my friends. It makes me feel as if I'm in a blanket of their love and my complete and utter weirdness I am truly convinced, I will be dying alone.
Third, that's a good idea, cleaning your room, and finding the paper, because I honestly believe it's flippin amazinf. Which is -besides the spelling- a good thing.
Fourth and final: I love you.

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
Zayn was slowly tracing circles on your arm whilst you had your eyes closed and you were enjoying his warmth drawing you in closer to his embrace. "I don't want to leave you behind," he murmered again, making you open your eyes. A sad smile crossed your lips as you looked into his warm brown eyes. "I don't want to let you go either - But," you stopped him before he could burst into his rehearsed talk he uttered every day since the day he knew he had to leave, "you have to go your own way, the fans are waiting and I'm not going anywhere." Zayn looked at you and placed several kisses around your lips before placing his on your own. The intercom announced the departure of your boyfriend and he pulled you into his arms once more. The other four lads had already said goodbye to their loved ones and were now discussing were to go first when they arrived. "Come with me," Zayn said. You stared disbelievingly into his eyes. "I need you Emma, I'm not me without you. Please," he begged, "come with me." As his fingers locked with yours and you felt the familiar jolt in your stomach as you looked into his eyes, you whispered "Yes." Zayn stared at you before his face broke open in a smile and he pulled you up, to spin you around. "My girl is coming with me," he smiled. You heard his friends clap and yell as he put you down and Zayn wrapped an arm around you before walking up to them. "The first thing we have to do when we land is buy some clothes, my girlfriend is coming with us."

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
So, when I opened Q I wasn't expecting anything to happen and now I have this very large, very awesome small story in my GB. And I'm lovin' it (bababapapaaa).
But, before I return the favor, because you serioulsy made my stomach fill with butterflies and my heart skip a beat, I would like to know what your story is going to be about.
And yes, I creep in your GB.

Arachme 2 jaar geleden
Hmmm that Emma girl is just amazing!

Norman 2 jaar geleden
You're welcome hunny, you truly deserve it and I can't wait to read more of you!

Arachme 2 jaar geleden
True fact.

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
Ahw thanks babe! I´ve missed you too! Strangely enough, it has been too long. And thanks darling, I just really care about my friends and family, and you're a friend I consider family. I love you.

Aplin 2 jaar geleden
Not as sweet as you are. <3

Arachme 2 jaar geleden
Let me hug you. Love you.

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
Because you're supercool that way.

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
"Do I have a shot at your beautiful girlfriend Emma?" Zayn looked at the interviewer and started laughing. "Sorry man, I'm lucky to call that gorgeous girl mine."

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
"Look who made it to one of our concerts," Harry whispered in his ear. Zayn looked backstage and couldn't do anything but smile.

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
"Zayn, what's the first thing you're gonna do when we get back home?" Liam asked his friend. "Zayn's lips curled up in a smile. "Well, Emma's gonna pick me up and no-one's home. So, you know."

Bennedict 2 jaar geleden
"Guys, please stop messing around," the interviewer cried out. The lads laughed an slowly they sat down, ready for the interview.
"And the final question is from Rachel, from Oregon. She would like to know what Emma's "One Thing" is." "Obviously she's gorgeous," Harry said, leaving him being pestered with kisses by Zayn. "Well, that's not all. She's really friendly, she's- she's right for Zayn," Liam smiled. "I agree, Emma knows how to make Zayn feel like his best." Louis smiled at his friend. Niall nodded in agreement, "She's just absolutely incredible." The interviewer smiled and looked at Zayn. "How about you? After all, Emma is your girlfriend." "Pfff, that's going to be hard, I don't know what it is. She's just amazing, she completes me. I couldn't live without her. I love her," Zayn said.
"Well, that's all we have time for, sadly enough," the interviewer said, "but please tune in next time- Zayn?! Are you texting? Is it Emma?" Zayn nodded. "Just letting her know I miss her and telling her I love her," he smiled.
*Credits started playing.*

Arachme zei op 2 juni 2012 - 19:20:
I saw your pictures. You looked stunning in that dress!!

Bennedict zei op 31 mei 2012 - 0:32:
He threw the door behind him closed. How could he be so stupid? All he wanted was you, but he seemed to do everything to lose you. It was like he was pushing you away. "Zayn!" "Zayn look here!" "Is everything all right?" "Is there trouble with Emma?" Great. That's one thing that could make all of this worse. He took a deep breath and tried to open the door again, but before he could do so, his girlfriend -if she even wanted to be that after today- opened the door. "Emma?" he asked, whispered. She just shook her head and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close. He instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist, rubbing her back. "I'm so sorry-" He could feel her shake her head again. "Don't be, I'm not going anywhere." He couldn't help but smile. He loved her so much. And she would be his for evermore.

Scenery zei op 30 mei 2012 - 22:47:
I am not your casanova.

Arachme zei op 30 mei 2012 - 19:07:
You're too lovely. Let me hug you.

Scenery zei op 29 mei 2012 - 23:22:
Hihi. Wiggle.

Scenery zei op 29 mei 2012 - 20:47:
Hey missy, I just spotted a new story of yours! Foei, die moet er al langer zijn dan vandaag. Ik ga snel even lezen. (:

Bennedict zei op 25 mei 2012 - 18:40:
He'd better like you more!
And I'm working on it, just a good ending and you can proof-read it C:

Bennedict zei op 25 mei 2012 - 17:45:
I just had a tiny orgasm. He sounds... Wow!
Enjoy the good times! I bet if he makes you feel amazing, he's worth you.

Bennedict zei op 25 mei 2012 - 17:42:
So it's not Zayn-iaan?
Just kidding! What's he like!
Tell. Me. Every. Thing.

Bennedict zei op 25 mei 2012 - 10:42:
If it's Emmiaan... Then what's his name?

Arachme zei op 24 mei 2012 - 21:32:
Hey there you dancer

Obscuro zei op 20 mei 2012 - 12:01:
Thanks for the lovely comment again dear! <3 En haha, heel misschien komt er zo nog een nieuw hoofdstukje, maar ik beloof op dit moment niks meer xd.
Haha, is je vader dan je rector? Dat lijkt me best wel vreemd eigenlijk xd. Of juist handig, muhahaha. Alles uitvreten enzo. Ohnee, dan moet je vader professioneel blijven enzo. Hm hm. En dan zit je nog in de problemos. xd
Succes met je toetsen! <3 Ik hoop echt dat ze goed gaan haha :3

Arachme zei op 19 mei 2012 - 21:03:
Hello I love you, won't you tell me your name?
(Imagine Zayn saying that)
Omegle darling? x

Bennedict zei op 13 mei 2012 - 17:31:
My love for you is bigger than Louis's love for Harry.

Brixton zei op 13 mei 2012 - 17:27:
Thanks again for the lovely comments you always give. Even when the chapter is real crap. And of course I love you too. <3

Arachme zei op 12 mei 2012 - 21:00:
sure about that?

Arachme zei op 12 mei 2012 - 20:20:
Zayn found out you still live in Holland..

Bennedict zei op 12 mei 2012 - 18:12:
I'm deeply, madly, passionately in love with you.

Bennedict zei op 12 mei 2012 - 18:12:
Omg. I'm still on this page. With Viv. Omg.

Skywatch zei op 8 mei 2012 - 22:31:
still... You made me happy and I was sad because Internet on the laptop broke down when viv came online.. Pfff stupid iPod.

Skywatch zei op 8 mei 2012 - 22:22:
Hey there lovely I just read through my reactions and yours were always so positive! Thanks babe x

Skywatch zei op 5 mei 2012 - 22:49:
Aww.. But I've got glasses too! We're nerds together! And if you want to talk about whats going on, you've my number, i don't care about the money I'll lose okay? I love you too! xx

Skywatch zei op 5 mei 2012 - 21:16:
Darling! So tell me how are you? Better after the fall? And your grades? Also better? I feel like I'm losing you.. It's also my fault, I forget to talk sometimes if you're online but yeah.. Pff I missed you like hell

Bennedict zei op 5 mei 2012 - 20:13:
Me loves you so much my brain can't handle it.

Bennedict zei op 5 mei 2012 - 17:39:
Of course it's a compliment. You couldn't do anything wrong.
Love you lots.

Skywatch zei op 4 mei 2012 - 21:36:
You lovely one! Glad I can text you now! We need to talk more! I miss you..

Bennedict zei op 4 mei 2012 - 18:23:
Oh God... You're too cute.
And good! I don't want my Boo to be hurt!

Bennedict zei op 4 mei 2012 - 18:03:
Well, I thought life couldn't be all cookies and rainbows.... Yet, love conquers all.
I love you snickerdoodle.

Bennedict zei op 4 mei 2012 - 17:59:
You're insane in the brain. That's why I love you.

Bennedict zei op 4 mei 2012 - 17:57:
Did not.... See that one coming.... Woah.

Bennedict zei op 4 mei 2012 - 17:42:
Hey babe.

Bennedict zei op 4 mei 2012 - 12:06:
And his smile widened when he saw her face in the crowd, pulling faces at him. Even though it had been so long since they had last seen each other and he still couldn't hold her in his arms, as he wanted to, she was there. She was there, patiently waiting until the fans and paparazzi had subdued so she could hold him again.

Chapuys zei op 28 april 2012 - 16:22:
Ahw. That means my mission is accomplished then. (:
Love you too. <3

Chapuys zei op 28 april 2012 - 16:10:
Gosh, jou reacties zijn echt ontzettend lief. Ze laten me iedere keer weer glimlachen. But most important: you're the sweet girl behind those comments. Thank you. <3

Skywatch zei op 28 april 2012 - 11:43:
okee :) beterschap liefje!

Skywatch zei op 26 april 2012 - 21:42:
Wat is er gebeurd? ö
are you okay? oh my!

Auckland zei op 26 april 2012 - 19:08:
Ahww that must have hurt a lot indeed! Can I cheer you up with something? <3

Chapuys zei op 22 april 2012 - 12:34:
I think you can,you only have to find the right words. That's the difficult part sometimes.

Chapuys zei op 22 april 2012 - 10:26:
I've said it once, twice and I'm going to say this several times more. You, Emma, are just one hell of a writer and one lovely girl. I really like the one shot, but most important is the girl who wrote it for me. I know my comment isn't that long, but I'm just a real sucker at that. Still I wan you to know that I really appreciate it. <3
Love you! <3

Bennedict zei op 18 april 2012 - 22:22:
I was about to hug my screen... But then I remembered to keep my cool... But: when we meet, I will be all over you. You amazing butterscotch.

Bennedict zei op 18 april 2012 - 22:12:
Those aren't jokes. Those are mental scars.
I hate those the most.
Let me hug you. I love you babe.

Bennedict zei op 18 april 2012 - 21:49:
Can I have their numbers? I want to send them this with the note that I'll know when they'll say something like that to do.
And then. I will kill them.
Don't let the bastards get you down. You're too good for them.

Bennedict zei op 18 april 2012 - 20:34:
*Deep sigh*
Emma, you special snowflake. I love you.

Bennedict zei op 18 april 2012 - 20:21:
You are amazing.

Bennedict zei op 18 april 2012 - 20:19:
Ahw! What happened?
I think I'm like Lou. A day not making people laugh/smile is a day lost.

Bennedict zei op 18 april 2012 - 19:14:
You make Zayn feel as if he's on the rollercoaster of life.

Chapuys zei op 18 april 2012 - 16:56:
Bij de douane moeten we wel even een ander plan verzinnen, maar dat fiksen we dan wel. ^^
Trouwens, ik vraag me nog steeds af waarom je moest weten wie mijn favoriete 1D'er was. You made me bloody curious you know

Chapuys zei op 18 april 2012 - 16:40:
Van mij mag je. Ik kan je misschien meesmokkelen in mijn tas ofzo?

Skywatch zei op 14 april 2012 - 23:54:
Because you are too lovely and your Zaynbabies will be too adorable!

Chapuys zei op 14 april 2012 - 14:43:
Me loves you too. <3

Skywatch zei op 10 april 2012 - 22:17:
no you aren't! don't ever feel like that! you're perfect the way you are!

Bennedict zei op 10 april 2012 - 22:13:
So, how is my man (Zayn) doing? Are you treating him well?
Don't get me to mess with Zemma!

Skywatch zei op 10 april 2012 - 21:46:
Darling, even when you don't try it's beautiful! DO you know how that makes me feel? :p
Thaha, wish I could write like you! No, but still, it was pure perfection, believe me

Assia zei op 10 april 2012 - 15:15:
vetmooi profiel heb je !

Bennedict zei op 9 april 2012 - 23:24:
I know right! Bloody brilliant!

Bennedict zei op 9 april 2012 - 22:16:
I LOVE the part with Ann's mum!
Misschien kun je het persoonlijker maken door haar een naam te geven, maar ik vind het echt geniaal! Misschien is die afstand zelfs nog beter!
Ik laat 'm zo aan Viv zien en dan mag zij verder, dan zet ik vanaaf de mijne actief en morgen die van jou ^^

Bennedict zei op 9 april 2012 - 22:05:
Zemma all the way!
I'm going to read it now!

Bennedict zei op 9 april 2012 - 21:35:
Oh my God... You're making me go all giggly!
And thanks! I'll put it on tonight then ^^

Bennedict zei op 9 april 2012 - 19:37:
I hoped you'd like it! But you had this coming! It's long overdue!
Just read it again, haha. That might not calm you down.

Bennedict zei op 9 april 2012 - 17:34:
Ps. There better be a part 2 of the Sarry moment in my GB, but there WILL be a part 2 of the Zemma moment.

Skywatch zei op 9 april 2012 - 15:03:
Don't worry, I love lazy persons, especially because I'm one too ;)

Obscuro zei op 9 april 2012 - 13:49:
Hi dear! c:
I wanted to thank you for the amazing comment again, hehe c:
I hope you had enough air, 'cause I think you'd need it.
Hehe, I feel evil now. >D

Bennedict zei op 8 april 2012 - 14:17:
Way to make me blush.
You're so sweet...
Hang on... I'm going to, just....

Bennedict zei op 7 april 2012 - 23:57:
That was bloody brilliant.
You are amazing Em. You deserve so much more credit, for just how wonderful you are.

Obscuro zei op 7 april 2012 - 19:03:
OH MY, -reanimeert. YOU OKAY DEAR? D: Don't you dare to die, haha c: Anders voel ik me schuldig xd. Enenen, Harry moet rennen voor z'n leven! Haha okee, thanks for your comment, it made my day - again c:

Bennedict zei op 7 april 2012 - 15:32:
I love making people smile!
And it's even more amazing because I'm making you smile!
Because I'm in like with you. <3
And I'm not that awesome.

Obscuro zei op 7 april 2012 - 14:21:
'Cause you know. Secretly it Harry fucking Styles. hehehe. Oh, I didn't say that word. :a Thankiesthankies for the comment hehe >D And I'm almost in the top stories, so maybe there's a chance of getting a new chapter today hehe :3

Obscuro zei op 7 april 2012 - 14:15:
ASDFG. Thankies for the comments dear! <3 Means a lot to me - and I love driving you crazy hehehe >D I'm a meanieee. And still not telling who it is. ;$

Obscuro zei op 4 april 2012 - 14:00:
Ik vind je Engels anders best wel erg goed? xd. EN JIJ GEEFT ME GELIJK. Dus jij bent net zo naughty als dat ik ben >D Dirty mindsss. Okee sorry, ik ga wel weer. XD Anders gaat het niet goed hier c:

Obscuro zei op 3 april 2012 - 21:47:
YAY. Haha dankjewel voor je lieve reactie & je mening! <3 Ik dacht al dat jij er geen problemen mee zou hebben omdat je sowieso altijd reacties in het Engels neerzet volgens mij ;$ (which I like, to be honest hehe). En oeh, ik zou Nando allang gedaan hebben.
Okee dat heb ik niet gezegd.
Of misschien wel.
Laten we het erop houden van niet. :a

Obscuro zei op 1 april 2012 - 15:27:
Ik wilde je nog even feliciteren! <3 Ik weet dat het echt heel laat is, maar ik ben echt letterlijk helemaal niet meer op de computer geweest omdat ik nogal erg ziek was. :l Dus het spijt me voor de late felicitatie - en het hoofdstuk dat dus niet is gekomen haha, want ik had het eigenlijk wel gepland. D: Maar ik voelde me echt heel beroerd. I'm sorry dear. <3

Bennedict zei op 1 april 2012 - 0:05:
You have no one to thank, but yourself. <3

Auckland zei op 1 april 2012 - 0:02:
No thanks, I love all your vids! You're really good you know (:

Bennedict zei op 31 maart 2012 - 23:38:
Just saw the result of your hard work!
It looks amazing!

Auckland zei op 31 maart 2012 - 23:33:
I saw that, and I saw your last tweet. Omygod, it's really sweet and cute that vid! <3

Skywatch zei op 29 maart 2012 - 21:49:
"Emma!" Met een ruk draaide ik me om en keek recht in het lachende gezicht van Zayn die lachend op me kwam afgelopen. Erna volgden de andere vier jongens van wie ik allemaal een gelukkige verjaardag toegewenst werd. "And how's our birthday girl feeling?" "Lucky", zei ik, nog steeds met die grote grijns op mijn gezicht. Het was lang geleden dat ik hen nog gezien had en ook al hadden ze weinig tijd, toch maakten ze er voor mij en ik voelde me speciaal. Zeker bij Zayn, ik wist niet wat het was, maar elke keer had ik (nee geen vlinders) een raar gevoel in mijn onderbuik. "I've brought you some cake and the four of us had to do everything to keep Niall from it", zei Harry waarna hij een beschuldigende blik op de Ierse jongen wierp. Grinnikend nam ik de bakvorm aan en zette die op de bruine, houten tafel. "Do you guys want something to drink? Maybe we can go outside, it's lovely weather and the sun is shining." Voor een moment wisselden ze blikken uit en Zayn staarde wat ongemakkelijk naar de grond. Toen ik hen om uitleg vroeg, wuifden ze het allemaal weg en ik liet het dan maar rusten. "I want to eat cake.", zei Niall en Harry, Liam en Louis vielen hem bij. "Otherwise we can go outside?" Het idee dat Zayn opperde klonk me veel beter in de oren, ik hield van de zon en nu ze een keer scheen, moest je daarvan profiteren vond ik. "Allright, let's go." Als een gentleman hield hij zijn arm voor en zachtjes glimlachend haakte ik mijn arm in de zijne. We wandelden doorheen de hele tuin, naar het achterpoortje, langs de vijver en we stopten bij het kleine paviljoentje dat op de rand van het domein stond. Op het ijzeren bankje nam ik voorzichtig plaats en tikte even naast me om aan te geven dat ik wou dat Zayn naast me kwam zitten. Plots keek hij me recht in de ogen en nam mijn rechterhand vast. "I already wished you a happy birthday, but there's something else I need to say.." Even aarzelde hij, maar vond dan toch de moed om door te gaan. "I know we've been friends for a long time now and I really want us to be friends forever, but lately I couldn't stop thinking about you,. Every minute you were on my mind and I realised how I felt about you. You're not just a friend to me, Emma.." Hoopvol bleef hij me aankijken, maar omdat ik niet verwacht had dat het vreemde, maar aangename gevoel wederzijds zou zijn, kon ik niet onmiddellijk een antwoord vormen. "I should have known that this wasn't the right time to say this, I'm sorry." Hij maakte aanstalten om recht te staan, maar snel trok ik hem terug en drukte mijn lippen koortsachtig op de zijne. Even later glimlachte ik tegen zijn lippen aan en fluisterde: "I love you." Zijn zoete adem op mijn gezicht deed me rillen en zijn antwoord nog meer. "I'll love you forever, Emma."
Zaynemma forever
Happy birthday babe! Love you

Skywatch zei op 28 maart 2012 - 21:26:
Happy birthday love!!!
My gift isn't ready yet.. Sorry, I had class, had to finish homework, pack my suitcase,.. (i know excuses, but yeah..)
Just know I didn't forget you! And I wish you the most beautiful day ever!
Happy birthday again
Love you! xx

Auckland zei op 28 maart 2012 - 17:19:
But still, I want to, I just can't find that stupid time! ):
Hope you have a wonderful birthday <3

Auckland zei op 28 maart 2012 - 17:10:
Happy birthday babe <33! I don't have a special gift, ): I'm sorry for that, but as soon as I got time I will give you a present ! I promise! <3

Chapuys zei op 28 maart 2012 - 16:34:
Normaal gezien wou ik dit berichtje vanmorgen al plaatsen, maar ik moest naar school voor mijn laatste examen. Daarom dat ik het nu gewoon even doe. :3
Happy Birthday my love! <3 Have a wonderful day, because it is yours. (:

Bennedict zei op 27 maart 2012 - 23:55:
I know right! I'm like Edward Cullen.
I have a little gift because it's your birthday!
Happy birthday sweetheart!
I just have to finish it... <3

Skywatch zei op 27 maart 2012 - 22:07:
thaha i'm not that creative so don't expect too much. But yeah, I'm going to watch notting hill now Finished the one shot for Maud so
Have a nice day tomorrow darling!

Skywatch zei op 27 maart 2012 - 21:01:
Woehoeeeew! I'll send your surprise tomorrow evening(I have class tomorrow afternoon... hmpf) but you will receive something^^
And i'll send you a message via fb and via Twitter! I will not forget you(never do actually)

Skywatch zei op 27 maart 2012 - 20:57:
Aw thanks honey! Ready for being 15?

Nemph zei op 27 maart 2012 - 11:34:
Stiekem ben ik zo'n stalker dat ik je wel door had en wist dat jij stiekem vashappening was. Srsl, je doet me echt te veel eer aan; Mijn bescheidenheid kan dit gehalte niet aan! :p Ik hoop echt dat jij (en of course de andere lezers) het allemaal het wachten waard zullen vinden (stiekem mis ik de bloeiperiode van het vorige verhaal wel, maar waarheid schoonheid duurt het langst, haha), ik doe in ieder geval mijn best om het zo mooi mogelijk te maken. :3 En ondertussen ga ik jou bekogelen met dankje's want jouw reacties zijn like boss.
Dus: dankjewel!

Obscuro zei op 25 maart 2012 - 13:11:
Oehoeh, jij bent bijna jarig? c: Idk of je al had verteld, want ik heb een visgeheugen en ik ben nogal druk de laatste tijd dus ik vergeet dingen heel snel D<
En dankjewel voor je lieve reactie! <3
HEUJ. Ik dacht ik kan Harry toch niet krijgen, dus dan ga ik voor Nando, alleen als jij al voor Nando gaat heb ik weer pech. Hm. Hm. Okee , ik ging toch al voor Niall. Muhahah. ;$ Okee sorry, ik stop alweer. Anders word ik zo; IEEEEP. Fangirlachtig enzo xd.

Obscuro zei op 25 maart 2012 - 12:14:
FINALLEHH. Someone who likes him. Hahah iedereen heeft meteen al een hekel aan die Fernando :4. Dankjewel voor je lieve reactie btw! c: En het is indeed een jongensding om dat te denken, maargoed, we vergeven het ze maar. xd

Auckland zei op 20 maart 2012 - 17:15:
ahwww ik zie nu pas dat ik op je profiel sta! Ahww <33

Skywatch zei op 19 maart 2012 - 22:51:
Aww you're way too sweet for me! ANd yes, I love the fact that lifechanger brought us together! Couldn't imagine my life without you anymore love you cupcakes xx

Bennedict zei op 18 maart 2012 - 18:12:
Doing an awesome-dance!
I love you btw, lovely. <3

Skywatch zei op 5 maart 2012 - 21:53:
Hey babe! Missed you today! How are you?^^

Skywatch zei op 4 maart 2012 - 22:47:
Thaha okay then
Just know you're very loved ^^

Wolsey zei op 1 maart 2012 - 16:35:
God, I really love your comments. They're amazayn, and I love you too of course. And you can call me Kim if you want to. ^^

Bennedict zei op 22 feb 2012 - 22:51:
Oh EmmaBoo!

Bennedict zei op 22 feb 2012 - 17:01:
& I love making you smile.

Skywatch zei op 21 feb 2012 - 19:31:
thaha en met die laatste zin verpestte ik het mooie bericht. Dus opnieuw:

Skywatch zei op 21 feb 2012 - 19:31:
And pfff , i'm gonna cry, stupid slow laptop

Skywatch zei op 20 feb 2012 - 23:04:
Okay goodnight sweetheart! and happy bday for your mum!

Bennedict zei op 20 feb 2012 - 21:19:
Aww! You're too sweet!

Skywatch zei op 20 feb 2012 - 20:40:
Pfft I don't care, it was like the sweetest thing ever, totally unexpected so YOU ARE AMAZAYN

Skywatch zei op 19 feb 2012 - 23:41:
You're not only Zayn's date, you're his girlfriend.
OMG you lucky bastard ^^

Nemph zei op 18 feb 2012 - 19:52:
You're one love of a reader.

Bennedict zei op 18 feb 2012 - 13:44:
How are you babycakes?

Bennedict zei op 18 feb 2012 - 13:19:
Hey Bubba!

Boleyn zei op 15 feb 2012 - 17:13:
Your reaction made me smile like a total freak. Thank you. <3

Skywatch zei op 14 feb 2012 - 20:29:
Hey, you're not gonna be alone forever!
Don't ever ever say that again! You have lots of friends 'cmon.
And I love you^^
Happy Valentine babe

Jagger zei op 11 feb 2012 - 19:47:
Ik had het nog niet gezien, en toen ik je gb-bericht las, heb ik eerst even als een debiel gegild (ik vraag me af wat mijn ouders dachten?!), maar nu ben ik weer rustig, denk ik.
Ik vind het zo leuk.. dank je wel! Ik zag het net staan bij je story, nu voel ik me stoer (:
Vraagje: waar ga je heen mailen, voor het personage?
En de story die ik in de spotlight zou willen, is mijn nieuwste: Lights will guide you home.
Nogmaals, dank je wel!! xx Julia

Boleyn zei op 11 feb 2012 - 17:51:
Dit liedje was ook leuk hoor, en de beelden zijn echt nice. I can't thank you enough for this. <3

Boleyn zei op 11 feb 2012 - 9:41:
Holy crap, you didn't need to do that! Maar ik vind 'm echt geweldig, ondanks het feit dat je de verhaallijn niet kent. Echt waar: bedankt! <3 Ik ga 'm zeker bij de story zetten. <3

Boleyn zei op 10 feb 2012 - 20:15:
Okay, now you're making me really curious. :3

Bennedict zei op 10 feb 2012 - 9:15:
My Lord, Emma!
You are so sweet! And gorgeous.
Inside and out.
I like you too <3

Bennedict zei op 9 feb 2012 - 23:25:
Aww! You're too sweet!
But this weirdness isn't changing.
So you will like me forever ^^

Nemph zei op 6 feb 2012 - 13:11:
Jouw profiel is A+.

liefsamyx zei op 2 feb 2012 - 16:00:
Je schrijft echt supergoed!

01021994 zei op 29 jan 2012 - 18:24:
je bent knappppppp !

ScotlandYard zei op 29 okt 2011 - 15:33:
Hé Emma,
je hebt vorige week meegedaan met mijn wedstrijd ivm Live life to the fullest. Ik heb vandaag alle inzendingen gelezen en heb een winaar gekozen. En die winnaar ben jij!
Ik ga zometeen een hoofdstukje maken met de uitslag in, maar ik wilde het je even persoonlijk zeggen. ^^
Ik ga je een pb sturen met de informatie die ik van je nodig heb voor het personage. Zou je zo snel mogelijk die info willen doorsturen, want het is redelijk belangrijk.
Bedankt en gefeliciteerd, love! Je inzending was echt geweldig.

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