You won't understand, unless you're part of the fandom as well. It's kind of crazy how much these five boys mean to me. Not because they're fit. They're so much more than that. They always manage to make me smile, even when I'm sad. My boys their voices are so beautiful. They all have amazayn personality's. Just five normal boys who're living their dreams. They're also role models, each one of them. They taught me to laugh, to believe in yourself. They taught me to carry on, even though you're sick or you can't dance. I'm so proud of them. They've reached so much in just one year. They're a part of my life and I really hope I'll get the chance to meet them one day. Forever part of the 1Dfamily. I love Liam James Payne, Niall James Horan, Louis William Tomlinson, Zayn Jawaad Malik & Harry Edward Styles so much.

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