Publisher 1 jaar geleden
If you make a video of you singing EMMA KNOWS BEST then I'll believe you. And Tangled rules.

Publisher 2 jaar geleden
Because you are the world.

Publisher 2 jaar geleden
I missed you too, little Ems.. Ironic since you're taller than me.

Publisher 2 jaar geleden
Because I can.

Publisher 2 jaar geleden
We're like fire and rain.. But ever so the same.

Publisher zei op 30 mei 2012 - 0:11:
"Please." He whispered: "Don't let me down. Stay."

Publisher zei op 28 mei 2012 - 0:11:

Publisher zei op 27 mei 2012 - 14:11:

Publisher zei op 20 mei 2012 - 1:04:
"Can I call you mine?"

Publisher zei op 19 mei 2012 - 1:07:
You're inspiration.

Publisher zei op 18 mei 2012 - 20:49:
E the M to the MA!!!!

Publisher zei op 13 mei 2012 - 23:36:
"I can't believe she isn't mine yet."

Publisher zei op 12 mei 2012 - 13:31:
I want to cuddle you.

Publisher zei op 10 mei 2012 - 21:56:
I love you more.

Publisher zei op 10 mei 2012 - 21:00:
You've got that one thing.

Publisher zei op 9 mei 2012 - 17:11:
I'm all out of faith, I'm so lost without you.

Publisher zei op 9 mei 2012 - 19:38:
I love you to, Ems.

Publisher zei op 9 mei 2012 - 19:09:
Erm. The argument being: I'm the Viv?

Publisher zei op 9 mei 2012 - 19:03:
I am true shit.

Publisher zei op 9 mei 2012 - 18:45:
You are, otherwise you couldn't be my soulmate.

Publisher zei op 9 mei 2012 - 18:38:
Darn. I wanted to do the same, but I suck.

Publisher zei op 9 mei 2012 - 17:11:
I'm all out of faith, I'm so lost without you.

Publisher zei op 7 mei 2012 - 22:18:
Stop it! And that's when he realised she's the one.

Publisher zei op 7 mei 2012 - 21:28:

Publisher zei op 1 mei 2012 - 13:58:
Boopoo. Ah well. You still rule for me. And I miss you!

Publisher zei op 28 april 2012 - 18:35:
Oh my, that one shot me right in the heart. And intense stare don't you think just because of the wonderful face I'm gonna tell, just wait and see.

Publisher zei op 27 april 2012 - 16:04:
You got it wrong, to prove you right -yeah- you're gonna find out pretty soon.

Publisher zei op 26 april 2012 - 19:29:
N'awwwh. Babycakes! Nou dan zal ik je niet meer lastig vallen met typen en dan ga ik maar weer eens schrijven, na mijn lange dag werk. Hope you had fun though.

Publisher zei op 26 april 2012 - 18:57:
Ok. I get it, saw the chapter. Dus in plaats van what happened: HOE KRIJG JE HET VOOR ELKAAR?!

Publisher zei op 26 april 2012 - 18:56:
Babe. What happened?

Publisher zei op 22 april 2012 - 13:52:
Have fun babe, I'll miss you.

Publisher zei op 22 april 2012 - 13:43:
Good. Then I can go to work knowing you'll be fine. That's what important to me.

Publisher zei op 21 april 2012 - 20:29:
Just imagine whenever you're feeling down, that you smiling makes Zayn smile like this. I love you.

Publisher zei op 21 april 2012 - 20:22:
I know how those days feel. I get them all the time and they end up in way more than tears.. Just know that I'm here for you, always. Any time.

Publisher zei op 21 april 2012 - 19:53:
Whut? I better hope it's not this year, because I really need you in my life. I do mean that, trust me. So I hope your guts isn't right either.. And hey, if that's the case I'll make sure that for the following days your spammed by me. I hope that kinda helps, because I don't want to see the people I love down.

Publisher zei op 21 april 2012 - 18:11:
That's indeed weird, but I have the same thing. I will probably die somewhere in the next two years. That's my idea. In my story you'll at least get to your thirties. Mhaha. But I'm glad you liked the second part, got a buckload inspiration for that one all of a sudden so. I had to write it, and like I said. It seemed like you needed it. And I love you too.

Publisher zei op 21 april 2012 - 17:16:
Eventhough I made you die? Mhaha. Sorry, I'm in a dramatic mood so it kinda happened like that. And that's not a talent, those are just words. About you. And I love you too, more than anything in the entire world.

Publisher zei op 19 april 2012 - 23:44:
Hugging my computer right now.

Publisher zei op 19 april 2012 - 23:03:
But you're going on vacation.. That's kinda leaving, since you're taking your Bieber and other brother with you.

Publisher zei op 19 april 2012 - 22:49:

You can't leave me.

Publisher zei op 18 april 2012 - 21:27:
Hey, I just met you.

Publisher zei op 18 april 2012 - 20:32:
Mhaha. Good. My evil plan is working.

Publisher zei op 18 april 2012 - 2:59:
Emmian for the win.

Publisher zei op 14 april 2012 - 22:20:
You're my world.

Publisher zei op 9 april 2012 - 14:47:
Not a problem, when all I'm doing is tell the truth. I mean it Ems, since every word I said is the truth. You have a gift and I just hope you never stop using that since I would miss it.
And look it's simple. I can't make you feel like something you already are: a good writer, sweet, beautiful and just very special to me. Like you said: we're soulmates. And I just hope there will come a day we'll meet and that will never ever be apart again. We belong together, just like these five did.

Publisher zei op 7 april 2012 - 20:48:
True soulmates. Forever and a day.

Publisher zei op 7 april 2012 - 19:03:
You, my love, make a good point, like we said. We're soulmates. I'm gonna record a new cover soon, and that one is especially for you. A part of your birthday gift.

Publisher zei op 7 april 2012 - 18:40:
After reading your comment on Obscruro's story, I love you even more since we both went all mental and used the word fuck.

Publisher zei op 7 april 2012 - 14:19:
Emma BANANA. In mijn hoofd rijmt dat, how are you?

Publisher zei op 6 april 2012 - 22:59:
I just love you. So much.

Publisher zei op 6 april 2012 - 0:47:
I love Holly! I just don't like her hurting Lou, that's all. And my eyes went all universe size reading there's gonna be part two, but you know me: I'm patient. Rather a weird chipmunk on caffeine, that can't sit still until she has what she wants. Hence the fact I'll always be weird, since I'll never get what I really want.

Publisher zei op 6 april 2012 - 0:15:
I needed Eleanor! Darn it, I have no more Viviall to read, so I needed my own treat, being Eleanor since Danielle is already in the story. And my very own Emma as well. Mhaha. Of course you can't wait for the next chapter, I wrote it. Hehe.

Publisher zei op 1 april 2012 - 12:36:
Liked it? I loved it you poo.

Publisher zei op 1 april 2012 - 0:01:
It's kinda a good thing yeah, happy tears.

Publisher zei op 31 maart 2012 - 23:10:
If you're trying to make me cry, you're doing a mighty fine job.

Publisher zei op 31 maart 2012 - 23:06:
Hmm well. I know one thing: you'll look gorgeous either way.

Publisher zei op 31 maart 2012 - 21:29:
Well. I'll work on it then, make sure it's finished. I missed you.

Publisher zei op 29 maart 2012 - 23:53:
Yeah buddie. It is law. And we do fight quite a lot, but that's what family does. But hey! A little brother won't steal/borrow your clothes and return them after a week of wearing it! Think of it like that. Mhaha. And Soph and me really are kinda twins, but we're still different. You would see what I mean when you see us, mhaha.

Publisher zei op 29 maart 2012 - 23:38:
Well. I could be like a big sister to you, and a best friend at the same time. Mhaha. And believe me, my brother can be so annoying. But in a good way I guess, I still want your little brothers. I've always wanted a little brother and instead I got a little sister, which is perfect as well. Humans always want the one thing they can't have, right?

Publisher zei op 29 maart 2012 - 20:34:
And I still don´t know what it is, but I don't want to know, because I like surprises. Like your one shot for me, that was the best surprise ever! And I love you too, boo! Really, you're the best friend I ever had.

Publisher zei op 29 maart 2012 - 20:26:
Oh my, peed in my pants because of that. Why on earth do I deserve something like that?

Publisher zei op 29 maart 2012 - 20:11:
Can't help but smile at that, mhaha. Normal people would freak out, I'm oh so not normal. Ah well. Al ben ik wel heel erg benieuwd wat je gaat doen.

Publisher zei op 29 maart 2012 - 20:01:
Mhaha. I dare you to tell him that, whaha. And I feel the love! You make me feel so special!

Publisher zei op 29 maart 2012 - 19:37:
Poo is the most amazing word ever, so I don't mind. And why do people the cutest thing ever? Me and Niall are never gonna happen, mhaha. But people (you) are keep seeing us together. I feel so special and I ain't even mad because you know how I love Niall. And you can hug me, since I am Fauve, will that do?

Publisher zei op 28 maart 2012 - 17:28:
You'll get part two of your gift when I get my voice back again. Promise.

Publisher zei op 28 maart 2012 - 2:35:
I hope you like it. Numero uno of your gift.

Publisher zei op 28 maart 2012 - 0:03:
It's gonna take a little longer, sorry babe. But happy birthday!

Publisher zei op 27 maart 2012 - 23:41:
It's nothing special. Mhaha. Just a little thing to show you how much you mean to me.

Publisher zei op 27 maart 2012 - 23:30:
Mhaha. Ik zie dat Lise je nog even gek heeft gemaakt, it's almost perfect. Just like I want it. But it's just part one of your present.

Publisher zei op 27 maart 2012 - 17:50:
You are everything to me.

Publisher zei op 25 maart 2012 - 16:22:
Good pick. That one is gorgeous.. Well good luck babe.

Publisher zei op 25 maart 2012 - 16:14:
We just made dryness a word in the English language. There. But, that sucks. Major. What kind of contest is it? Maybe you can contact them or something..

Publisher zei op 25 maart 2012 - 16:08:
Tell me the problem, now. And Sock is an awesome name. I called my cat Pip after the squirrel in Enchanted the movie. I like squirrels.

Publisher zei op 25 maart 2012 - 15:37:
I know. But you have a talent in making up puppynames, come on. FoodSockWomanizer. Best. Name. EVER.

Publisher zei op 25 maart 2012 - 15:32:
Oh my. We should start a band and call it the 'DirectionersEatingWhileLaughingAtMirandaForMissingOutOnTheIrishGod.' Sounds catchy doesn't it?

Publisher zei op 25 maart 2012 - 15:05:
I would do a dance, jump hundred feet up in the air, kiss the ground. Eat. And then say yes. Seriously. But yeah. Will never ever happen. So instead. I just play my guitar, laugh at Miranda for missing out on the Irish God and eat.

Publisher zei op 25 maart 2012 - 14:37:
It is from now on. And what did I see: freaking Miranda rejected my Niall? My babycakes. Oh my. Someone is going to be mentally killed by me now. Ah well. More Irishness for me then.

Publisher zei op 25 maart 2012 - 13:48:
So much weirdness. Hahah. Can't help it.

Publisher zei op 22 maart 2012 - 20:20:
Aww babe. I'm always here, no matter what! You could start talking to me whenever and I'll always listen. And try to make it better and make you smile because that's what you do for the people you love. You never ever want to see them sad or down, because it will make you sad or feel bad about yourself. Because I love you babe.
You deserve nothing more than the best. And I'll make sure you get the best until the day I die. Promise.

Publisher zei op 22 maart 2012 - 19:50:
I love you.

Publisher zei op 18 maart 2012 - 17:43:
I miss you babycakes.
And yes, saying it again.

Publisher zei op 12 maart 2012 - 11:15:
How are you today love? Sean misses you.

Publisher zei op 11 maart 2012 - 18:18:
God must be a friend of mine, since he made you.

Publisher zei op 9 maart 2012 - 0:12:
Hey, that sounds familiar. I wanted to tell you the same. I love you.

Publisher zei op 8 maart 2012 - 23:47:
Just the thought of it is killing me already. We're like starcrossed lovers. Ugh.

Publisher zei op 8 maart 2012 - 22:06:
I miss you babe.

Publisher zei op 7 maart 2012 - 22:31:
Amazing choise of words love. Really amazing. And that's good to hear, you know how much I love your writing.

Publisher zei op 7 maart 2012 - 21:58:
Do you have something nice in store for me? I need something nice.

Publisher zei op 6 maart 2012 - 16:58:
Warning:This Bradfordd lady is mine. All rights reserved.

Publisher zei op 6 maart 2012 - 0:42:
MY VAGINA! You're killing me. Ah well. Just wait Viv, just wait.

Publisher zei op 5 maart 2012 - 23:26:
Oh my. You changed your name. I love it.

Publisher zei op 5 maart 2012 - 22:05:
Wait. Whut? Again. That's so so so so so sweet. Oh my. Don't know what to say now..

Publisher zei op 5 maart 2012 - 21:21:
Asdfghjkl. Em, I love you to pieces.

Publisher zei op 5 maart 2012 - 20:03:
I'm gonna do this in English, because I'm way better in ranting in English than I am in Dutch. So here I go:
How can an amazing writer like you get such a low amount of kudo's? Even better question is, how can such an amazing person like you get such a low amount of comments? I can't get my mind around this. I really can't.
Remember Last Christmas, just as amazing as Happy New Year is and that got way more attention. I look at this sick 'top' and I can't help thinking to myself: why isn't my darling Emma included with these five? I can call one of those stories quality, and that one was at the bottom. What became of this glorious heaven on internet? I can remember the days you beat me at being included in those five. And now. Neither you or I can become one of those five. It's sick.
People should read quality, instead of some sick story that doesn't even make sense. What most of the stories on here don't but ah well. I'm ranting so I don't need to make sense. I'm mad. Filled with hate. And I can't stand this any more. I really can't. (I actually sound British while typing this, hehe.) I'm gonna promote the hell out of you when I get to 200 on my Zayn story, and when you don't get the attention you deserve. I will stop writing all together. There. I said it. I'm that mad. Ha. Take that 153 people that read Happy New Year. Because I know for a fact Soph and me are the two best readers of you stories, because we rule as something that rules. Oh my. I really stopped making sense. Gonna leave it at this. I love you.

Publisher zei op 4 maart 2012 - 22:28:
Wait whut? Ik ben echt sinds gisteren dood. Helemaal kapot.
Mentaal en lichamelijk. Dus serieus? That made me cry again.
Because it's sweet, oh so sweet. And everything I need.
Em, I love you. Never leave or change.

Publisher zei op 2 maart 2012 - 12:46:
Aww, thank you love! And the same for you babe, I'm here any time and no matter what.

Publisher zei op 2 maart 2012 - 0:39:
Today I got a little scared, while I was all alone with my thoughts. And your chapter and your comment lighted up the darkness I was in. I love you to pieces.

Publisher zei op 2 maart 2012 - 0:20:
Why are you so amazing, sweet & everything I need in a friend? Please, never leave?

Publisher zei op 26 feb 2012 - 16:03:
Ah yes. You are funny, you made me laugh so.

Publisher zei op 23 feb 2012 - 18:57:
Wow. No one has ever done something that sweet for me! Really. I love you so much.

Publisher zei op 23 feb 2012 - 0:32:
You made a little joke. Love it. Really do.
I'm so sick as fuck. And seriously,
Dude. Just question, that video you made for me?
So, so, so, so cute & sweet & lovely. I'm still buzzing.
My life is complete, (next to the fact Niall still isn't my boyfriend) but I have you & so many other wonderful people in my life, that video, food & my awkward dance moves.

Publisher zei op 23 feb 2012 - 0:11:
It looked like this: I'm wearing my onesie, with the UK colors, sitting on my bed and when I read that: my eyes became a little bit bigger and I waved my arms like a gay motherfucker. There should be a gif of that. Just saying.
And get well soon! We're ill at the same time. And I love you even more.

Publisher zei op 22 feb 2012 - 23:59:
Omg. You didn't want to see what I did when I read that.
Can't wait. But I'll be patient, because I love you.

Publisher zei op 20 feb 2012 - 20:26:
I love you more babe.

Publisher zei op 1 feb 2012 - 20:19:
I love you more darling.

Publisher zei op 24 jan 2012 - 18:04:
Darling I love you more.

Publisher  zei op 15 januari 2012 - 1:05:
Oh my. That's the sweetest thing ever. But you always do the same thing for me, exactly the reason why you're in my story. Pour example. Next to that you still don't know how much everything you do for me means to me. Because to be honest, reading anything what you write or seeing anything that you make doesn't matter how big or small it is. It makes my world.

Publisher  zei op 15 jan 2012 - 0:50:
Right, ever looked in the mirror? You're sweeter, way sweeter.

Publisher  zei op 14 jan 2012 - 0:18:
Darling. Never ever cry again. Ok. Promise me now.

Publisher  zei op 7 jan 2012 - 20:24:
Voor hoe lang? Hoe lang moet ik je gaan missen?
Hello. Ik kan niet zonder jou of je verhalen of je reacties!

Publisher  zei op 7 jan 2012 - 20:21:
Awww! Waar ga je naartoe dan dat je geen wifi hebt?
Publisher  zei op 7 jan 2012 - 0:25:
Partly. But especially because I've met so many great people because of One Direction. Including you.

Publisher  zei op 7 jan 2012 - 0:10:
Yeah. I'm so happy right now.

Publisher  zei op 7 jan 2012 - 20:18:
I'm gonna write the last part of my Niall story today. Mhaha.
It's hard to say goodbye.

Publisher  zei op 7 jan 2012 - 19:48:
His swag is awesome.

Publisher  zei op 7 jan 2012 - 19:06:
Niall´s swag

Publisher  zei op 7 jan 2012 - 17:15:
Dude. That. Was. Awesome.

Publisher  zei op 6 jan 2012 - 23:42:
My dearest Emma. I'll love you forever and a day.

Publisher  zei op 6 jan 2012 - 20:32:
WHOO HOO. Ik en Niall zijn wel een goed stel!
Ik vind onze ontmoeting ook zo cute! Echt waar.
En hoe hij deed. Het voelde zo echt, zo mooi.
Ik flip er echt nog steeds over.
Maar mijn reactie: zo was ik ook echt.

Publisher  zei op 6 jan 2012 - 20:28:
Dude. Ik ben nog steeds aan het fangirlen over wat je hebt gedaan!

Publisher  zei op 19 dec 2011 - 18:32:
Little monkeybird! Gek hè! Je eigen naam zien,
Maar jij en Sean horen bij elkaar. Dat lees je wel 

Reageer (2)

  • Publisher

    I have my own blog. Oh my- Hello Zayn. Wait. What? You love Emma as well. Erm, get in line mate. I was here first.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Bennedict

    I ship Emmian.

    1 decennium geleden

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