The story of Niall and me, according to Bennedict.
So one day you're sitting in a small diner and you're listening to your friend who is telling you a story about some restaurant. You get distracted by this lad who is making weird faces because he hates the restaurant your friend is talking about. He makes you laugh and that makes him smile as well. After a while your friend leaves and you decide to go up to the guy you recognize as Niall. He was ready to leave and so he walks up to you and says: "Hi." You both get outside him opening the door for you of course. You start talking and he unleashes his jokes, stories and smoothest moves on you.
After a while you've walked through most of the city and Niall kisses you goodnight.
Days and weeks go by and every once in a while you meet up with Niall and you can't deny that wonderful feeling you have everytime you see him. So one day you decide to tell him what you feel, but Niall is one step ahead of you, telling you: "I can't live without you." As the rain starts to fall, you take his hands and tell him: You won't let him go." Niall pulls you close and you share an intimite kiss.
He takes you inside and after you've spent the night with him, he wakes you up and tells you to stay untill he comes back and put the TV on at some point of the day. You agree and spend the whole day in his house wrapped in his blancket, dancing around and eating his food. At some point you get a text from Niall saying to put on the TV. You do. He's having an interview and the lads are asked if they have a girlfriend. The interviewer asks Niall and he calmly reacts. So the interviewer looks at the other lads and asks what they think of your relationship with Niall. They calmly say you're the best thing that ever happened him. You watch this interview with grace and dignity.

After some time: some dates, kisses, shagging/banging/holding hands, Niall calls your name. You look up and with his gorgeous smile, he proposes. You smile and start nodding: "A thousand times yes!" you tell him.

The boys started planning and after some wise words from me about certain things, they (after some contemplainting) have decided to ask for some help. Which I happily gave them

And so the big day arrives. After choosing the right venue, some shared looks and some not so lonely nights, the party is ready to begin.
After some getting ready the lads take their place and you walk down the isle. The boys think you look beautiful and they can't take their eyes off of you. You don't seem to notice because your eyes are locked with Niall's. During the ceremony Niall cannot stop smiling at you and neither can you. The boys know how happy you guys are and they inavitably start smiling as well. When the priest asks if you take eachother as man and wife you both look at eachother and nod smiling. Whilst everyone freaks out in extacy.

When the ceremony is over Harry talks about how perfect you are together and how your relation is one for the books. Zayn makes it clear that you are welcome in his bed whenever something would happen to you and Niall and makes everyone laugh and smiles at you, he knows you will never break up. After that, Niall picks up the microphone and talks to his gorgeous newlywed. He puts an arm around you when the boys decide who's next. And whilst Harry is taking pictures, Zayn plays a record and the party begins. The lads pull out their best dance moves (and of course I mean all of them).
After the last messages are recorded, and Zayn took off his shirt you and Niall enjoyed the fireworks.

It wasn't just one of those Wednesdays. This was one special Wednesday. Not only for you, but for your boyfriend Niall as well. Even though Niall didn't really ask you to live with him, he still asked when you were moving in boxes. Naturally, you were still very excited and you just couldn't wait to wake up next to him for the rest of your lives.
"Ni! Can you hurry up? We still have a lot of boxes in the car," with those words, you picked up one yourself and started walking towards the doors of the compartment. "Viv? I don't think Niall will be able to hear you..." You looked around to see your little sister pointing upwards whilst balancing a box on her knee. You followed her finger and saw that what she was pointing at, was Niall.
A small sigh left your lips. "We have to do everything ourselves, haven't we?" Your sister nodded and lifted the box up. "Let's not waste time then, I have to pretend to have a life." You snorted at her words, she wasn't going anywhere until the house was decorated. "Oh, before I forget, she said, looking back over her shoulder, "you're taking me out for dinner!" "Deal," you said when you caught up with her. The both of you chatted until you reached the lift. Whilst holding the box in one of your arms, you pushed the button and waited for it to arrive. "Nervous?" You shook your head at your baby sister and smiled. "Happy." By saying the words, they made sense. You were happy.
The small -ding- of the lift made you wake up from remembering the last few months with Niall and you walked after your sister towards the place that recently became your home. "Where do you want this one?" You looked around looking for a space to put the box your sister was holding and looked across the loft to see where Niall disappeared to. "Love? Where can we put these ones?" A muffled 'busy' came from the living room and you and your sister shared a look. "He better not be eating..." you heard your sister mumble. After putting down the boxes somewhere in the cluttered place, you start walking towards the living room where your boyfriend's voice came from. "Love-" You stopped dead and looked at the boys. "What are you-" "Shh, darling. We're trying to place the couch..." One by one you looked at the boys and couldn't help closing your eyes for a minute. "Didn't we move that thing over there so we could have enough place for-" but your words were drowned by Niall who stepped over the couch and stared around the room. "I think," he pondered, "it will look smashing in that corner..." "There?" Liam asked while mimicking his friend's movement. Niall nodded slightly and with some sighs from the rest of the boys, they started to move the couch again. "There," Louis said, rubbing his back, "it looks amazing." A light humming sound left Niall's lips when he looked at the couch again. "I'm not sure..." he said, staring at the couch. Whilst a small argument about the movement of the couch started, you lifted your hands up as to show you didn't want anything to do with this. "Soph?" You yelled as you made your way through the loft. "Kitchen!" She yelled back. Looking into the kitchen you looked at your sister sitting on the kitchen-counter. "Ready to get the last boxes?" you asked her. She nodded, took a sip from her drink and let herself slide off the counter. "Take a sip, I don't want you to get dehydrated," she said whilst handing you the glass she'd been drinking of. After taking some small gulps you followed her back to the lift.

"Are you sure -and I do mean sure- this is the last one?" You nodded at your little sister. "Absolutely positive." She let out a sigh of relief. "Why do you have so much stuff?" You smiled and picked up a few pillows that were left behind in your car. "Because I'm awesome," you answered her. "You're a poo..." "Who's a poo?" You looked up at the familiar voice of your boyfriend and couldn't help but smile when you saw him. "You are," your sister told him with a smirk. "Helping out the damsels when everything's already taken upstairs? Some knight you are..." Even though you could see him smile at her words -for he knew how your family ticked- you couldn't help yourself: "Hey! Don't tell my poo in shining armour he's a poo! That's my job." Niall smiled at your words and took the box from under your pillows. "That's my girl," he smiled before kissing you gently. You smiled and held the door open for your sister. "I'm a good poo though, aren't I?" he asked you when you were waiting for the lift to arrive. "The best." "You guys belong together..." your sister murmured. Niall couldn't help but smile because he realised she was right.
"You guys! Niall helped! This is a moment for the books!" Louis' comment was followed by some lazy laughter from the rest of the boys. "Wasn't it too heavy to lift, Ni? We don't want you pulling a muscle with all the heavy lifting you've been doing," Zayn smirked at his friend. Niall put down the last box and stretched his arms. "These badboys are used to some heavy lifting." The lads grinned and starting pulling boxes towards each other to organise the mess. "Let's have a small foodbreak first, you guys have been working hard all day," Niall said, holding a hand on his rumbling stomach. "Yes, we have. You slave-driver!" Louis said dramatically, followed with a smirk. "With other words, Niall's just hungry," Harry's low voice came from beside the plant, his legs either side of a box.

"Bedroom," Niall commanded with his mouth full. Zayn, who had been holding up a box, walked towards the mentioned room and came back moment later to pick up another box. "And this one?" Liam asked. Niall took a close look at the label and read aloud: "Kitchen." A small noise from somewhere in the loft made him look up. "Nialler!" Harry's voice came. Niall shot at a look at you, who was cleaning out boxes rapidly and after a quick smile, he left the room to find Harry.

"This is the last one," you announced. The rest of the guys -your sister included- looked up and stared at the last box in your hand. "So, that's the box that keeps you from officially living here?" Liam asked, wiping his hair from his face. You nodded solemnly. "This is it." Before even opening the box, the silence was broken by a loud bump, closely followed with some very recognisable laughter. With a small smile on your face, you stood up and followed the noise towards the closet. Everyone was staring over you when you opened the door to your closet space. "Making progress I see?" you smiled at your boyfriend. Niall's cheeks turned rosy when he looked up at you. "Harry and I were playing motocross." "On a trunk?" Your smile widened as you saw Niall's face lighten up. "Don't let the speed go to your head, love," you said while taking a step back to close the door. "I'll be out in a minute!" Niall yelled back. "Well," you said, opening the door again, "I'm about to open the last box." Niall stood up as fast as he could and pulled you close. "Don't want to miss that moment, dear. Let's open that darn thing!" You laughed as you stepped into the living area and pulled the box close.

"That's it you guys! She's officially my roomy!" Niall said, grabbing air. A small burst of cheers erupted from everyone's mouths as they jumped around the living room. "So, if you find the plates in the rest of the boxes and some cookery, I'll make some pasta," you announced to the guys. With no more words squandered, everyone went looking for pans and pasta (for the living-space was the only space which was unpacked), so they could have a good meal.
Whilst your sister made the living-room comfortable for everyone, you stepped into the kitchen and tied on your little apron. "Interested in helping me Ni?" you asked your boyfriend. He looked up from the streets he was looking at, pointing out good things he knew you would enjoy, and nodded. He walked over and you couldn't help but laugh at him. "What is it, love?" He asked, smiling and pulling you into a hug. "I just love you, that's all." He smiled and placed a light kiss on your nose. "Now, let's cook some food."
"What do I add then?" you asked Niall. "Mmm?" he mumbled, looking up from the magazine he was reading. "You are no help, Horan!" you reprimanded him, pointing the spoon for the sauce in his direction. "I'm sorry, I was distracted by the smell of it. It smells good." You rolled your eyes at him and put out the gas underneath the pans. "Flattery saved you this time," you smiled. "Niall's face lit up as your finger intertwined and you stepped on your toes to kiss him. "I love you, Vivian." Shyly, you looked down and put a lock of your hair behind your ear. "I love you too, Niall."
With a pan in your hand and Niall behind you with the other pan, you made your way towards the living-room. Candles were lit and pillows were placed against the couch and chairs so everyone had a seat on the floor. "That smells amazing!" Louis confessed when he eyed the pans. "I bet it tastes amazing as well," Liam added. Niall nodded fiercely. "Everything Vivian cooks is amazing. It's a gift." You smiled and put the pans on the floor. "OK everyone, help yourself, but please don't spill on the floor!" Everyone chuckled but they were cautious enough not to dirty the carpet.
After a good meal, a celebratory bottle of champagne was opened. You were leaning against Niall, his arm around your waist and story after story was shared in the group. When the first few glasses were emptied, the guys started dancing, being themselves and eventually settling down to share some more stories, joined by the light tingling of Niall playing guitar. After deciding everyone was spending the night, to complete the decoration of the loft in the morning, you took over from Niall and played the few cords he taught you. Niall couldn't stop smiling when he realised you were his forever and occasionally, he pulled you close for a small kiss or sign of affection.
When the clock chimed an hour that was late, even for night workers, you made sure everyone was comfortable in the living-room. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, sleep tight," your heard your boyfriend say and with one last greating he followed you to the master bedroom. Exhausted from moving your stuff, you both just fell on the bed, pulling the blankets over your fully-clothed bodies. You felt Niall slightly breathing on you when he pulled you close and kissed your neck. "Sleep tight, love," you heard him say. "Sweet dreams, Niall." You felt his lips curl into a smile and he pulled you closer. "Welcome home, sweetheart."

Reageer (4)

  • Bennedict

    I'm hilarious.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Reeenske

    If this only had a 'reblog' button.
    facebook is amateuristisch.

    1 decennium geleden
  • Depay

    Gosh, I want something like that too!

    1 decennium geleden
  • Springfield

    If this only had a 'like' button! :'D

    1 decennium geleden

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