Once upon a time there were these three girls. You might as well call them the fairest of them all, because, they simple were. Still are. They lived in the beautiful place called Narnia, a magical place, not many knew of.
The three girls loved playing in the forest, once a dark place but since the new rulers the prettiest place in all of Narnia. They chased after each other until they got tired. Exhausted of the fun they walked through the lonely forest on their way home. "Did you hear that" the youngest called Bo asked her friends. "Hear what?" the cute little girl called Sophie asked. "It's probably nothing" the oldest one Vivian assured her friends. Some silent chuckles made her look back over her shoulder, just to see nothing out of the ordinary. She put both her arms protective over her friends and made them walk a little harder. Again, the chuckles made the three friends stop, all three started looking around. Nothing to be found, just the silent chuckles to be heard. Bo winked at her friends before she bravely shouted the words: "Come out, come out. Where ever you are!" Some louder chuckles were heard followed by the faces of five of the most beautiful lads the girls had ever seen. "You're funny" One of the largest replied to Bo's words. Shyly she looked blushingly to the leaves on the ground.
Secretly Vivian saw her friend looking at one of the lads. And that's when she realized something. "We were on our way home, for some food, would you like to join us?" She asked the five lads that accompanied her friends from now on. "Food? Did I hear food?" the beautiful accent made Vivian look up and smilingly she nodded her head. The only blond lad had the most beautiful eyes and made her shiver. Lightly she shook her head and started to walk a bit ahead. "Are you guys coming?" She asked while looking over her shoulder. "Watch out!" Bo and Sophie yelled, but before Vivian looked up she had already hit the large tree in front of her. "Are you alright?" the light sound of Bo's voice made her look up and ashamed she nodded. "Let me help you up" the blond lad lend her a hand and put one of his arms around her. "Before you hurt yourself again" he winked at her, what made Vivian blush even more.

At the diner table the lads filled their stomachs as if they hadn;t eaten in years. Enjoyed the girls looked at the boys and smiled. "I think you and that one make a good couple" Vivian pointed at one lad before she winked at Bo. Bo blushed and shook her head: "He would never look at me like the blond one looks at you." A silent sigh from Sophie made the girls look at her with the question marks in their eyes. She simply asked the lads their names and just as their appearances the names were beautiful. "Well then, Louis and you make a good couple" Vivian told Bo teasingly. Bo rolled her eyes at her and started to look at Louis and like Vivian had said. He was adorable, he had a nice smile and more than nice eyes. Who knows what could happen?

"Well what should we do next?" Sophie rubbed her full tummy and looked around the table. The lads looked at each other with mischievous smiles and stood up from the dinner table. "First" the curly one known as Harry began: "We're gonna clean up this table." The three girls stood up and reached for some of the plates until the lads started protesting. "Sit!" Louis commanded with a smile: "You made the lovely meal, we must clean up the mess." Shyly the three girls fell back in their seats and looked up to the lads that cleaned the whole table with lovely smiles on their faces. "What do you think we're gonna do?" the silent tone of Bo's voice made Vivian look away from the beautiful blond lad, called Niall and she shook her head. "I have no idea. And you know I am always the one with the bright ideas." The three girls kept the silent tone until the table was fully cleaned. A little cough made them look up from the little huddle they were in and ashamed with rosy cheeks they smiled at the lads.

"I have no idea where we're going" the silent voice of Sophie made Vivian looked up. "Me neither" Bo's voice sounded a little worried and to be honest Vivian was too. The lads looked nice and sweet, but you could never be too careful in these woods. She bit her lip and took some more steps towards the lads: "Stay close, I'll ask." Shyly she walked up to Niall and started walking next to the blond lad. "Pardon I have to ask, but we're a little worried and it would help to have an idea of where we're going?" Her voice sounded silent and careful afraid she might say the wrong thing and upset the lovely lad. He simply smiled at her and put his arm around her: "With me around the last thing you should do is worry your pretty little mind." The sweet words made her cheeks another brighter color red and ashamed she looked at the leaves on the ground. "And never ever turn your beautiful eyes away from me" he whispered in her ear.

"So, what are two beautiful ladies walking around alone for here in the woods?" The silly voice of Louis made Bo look up into his beautiful and light eyes. The sparkled in the light that came from the full moon and smilingly she grabbed his hand. "Seeking protection from a lovely lad." "Or two" her friend Sophie added. A loud laugh filled the forest before Louis got his friend Harry to walk beside Sophie. "And? Feeling protected enough?" the whispering sound of Louis' voice send shivers down her spine while she looked into his eyes again. She nodded with rosy cheeks to answer his question and leaned her head against his strong and muscular arm. "I think we're headed to an wonderful night, don't you agree Harry?" Sophie's asked with a flirty sound in her voice. "More than wonderful Sophie, believe me." What about a night filled with some lovin'?

The moist smell of the wood air slowly started to disappear while the three girls continued their trip with the lovely lads. "Hmm" Vivian smilingly turned to Niall: "I think where we're heading." She teasingly said, Vivian always had a nose for these kind of things. Like she always had for good food. "Yeah? You think so?" The blond lad teasingly asked, in the last couple minutes the two started getting along really well. Although her two friends had agreed they were getting along too well. The two walked next to each other like they were glued together. Something Vivian didn't mind at all. "I sure do" she poked his cheek with a simple touch of her finger: "I can smell the ocean." Proudly she looked ahead peeking through the last couple of trees and smiled when she heard the soft tones of the waves. "You're a smart one love." He pressed his soft lips against her cheek for a second and surprised she looked at him. He watched her reaction smilingly as he pulled her a bit closer to him: "I like it."

Bo watched her friend while she snuggled up to Louis, with a jealous sting in her stomach she saw how Niall pressed his lips against Vivian's cheek and looked away. A silent sigh left her lips while she thought about how it would feel when Louis would do the same with her. She just wanted to feel loved, just like her friend did. With her mind full thoughts she didn't realize the tall lad next to her was thinking the same. "Bo?" he lightly asked, he looked away afraid the little girl had heard him. "Yes Louis?" Her light voice made the lad look at the beautiful girl next to him and a smile appeared on his face. Without any doubt or fear he leaned to her and closed his eyes. With butterflies in his stomach he felt her soft lips on his and he hoped it would never end. Knowing that he was kissing the one thing in his life that meant more to him than his best friend Harry.

Annoyed with the love that was surrounding her Sophie looked up to the curly lad next to her. Harry was looking at his best friend with joy, knowing he was in love and he was happy for him. Just for a second he thought of the girl that was walking next to her what made him look at her. His eyes met the lovely brown ones of her and a smile appeared on his face, a smile that could be described as perfection. Because it simply was perfect. "What?" the little girl asked him. His smile got even bigger while he was thinking about his options. In the meanwhile the hard ground they were walking on turned into the soft sand of the beach. Just like the lovely lads had planned for, this would be the place. Or at least, this would be the place were it all would happen, for one of his friends. A loud cough shook him awake while he looked down at Sophie again and without a second thought he lifted the little girl from the ground and carried her on her shoulder, running through the water. "Harrold! Stop it! Now!" Sophie tried while she softly punched his back, the lad only started laughing more as he made his way to the water. From then on, it was too late.

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