Bennedict zei op 29 dec 2011 - 14:32:
Why must you be something that doens't excist? Why must there be a creation so pure, so true, that daylight fades. How can my luck be so big, that I met you?


Publisher zei op 30 dec 2011 - 20:35:
One day, two people fell in love. I don't know their names, I don't know why they fell for each other. But the one thing I do know. I'm glad they did. Because of those two people I met you.
And since then, you light up my days. With your laughs, the smiles we share and most of all with your love. Since then I know a girl who feels like another sister of mine, who can talk to me whenever and will always listen. Like I'm here for her the same way.
Since then I'm never down or sad, because of you I have a daily reason to smile. If not to live. Since then I spend my days waiting, for you. Because talking to you, reading your words and writing for people like her makes my days even more brighter.
You want to know whom I'm talking about? Read the first word again.


Bennedict zei op 31 dec 2011 - 0:14:
Dearest Bo,
You are forgetting one thing. That when I look in that mirror, holding up eleven roses, I will be looking at thirteen of the most beautiful things in the world, because you will be standing beside me.
I will probably forget the words a my memory starts to falter. But I will never forget the girl what's her name? who made me smile and feel like the happiest peron in the world.
You are a true treasure Bo. And I will keep you guarded with my life.
I love you, Bo. Those words will be written on the piece of paper I will hold on to in my deathbed.


Publisher zei op 31 dec 2011 - 0:50:
My one and only, Bo,
While you were looking at the stars, I was doing the same but with other intentions. I was reaching for the stars, hoping I could touch such a heavenly piece so I could know how it would feel to hold you in my arms. So I could know how it would feel to touch the infinite. Because you are and forever will be remembered.
I saw the angel love and told her to watch the most precious thing I've ever met. It wasn't Niall Horan for a change, but you, because you are the most precious thing I'll ever call mine. The one thing I hope to call family one day.
With these simple words, that came from the simplest mind I want to make you feel like I see you. Loved.
And it may be simple but, I do.
I love you.


Bennedict zei op 31 dec 2011 - 12:45:
How can I ever tell you how much you mean to me, when there aren't enough words? How could I ever make you flash your gorgeous smile, when I don't know the right words to say? How could I ever worship the sun, when you shine brighter?
Tell me Bo, how I can make you smile. Because that's what I live for. <3

Bennedict zei op 31 dec 2011 - 16:27:
So I know this beautiful girl named Bo and she makes the world light up. Basically she was loved and adored by some funny and gorgeous guys.
One day, one of them makes contact and you two start talking and really had a wonderful time.
After some dates, he asks you to marry him and you say "Yes."
You live together in a nice cottage in Mullingar and Harry and I became Godfather and Godmother of your children.


Bennedict zei op 2 jan 2012 - 23:55:
Dearest Bo,
I don't think I have enough words to describe how much I love you. I love you more then Niall loves Louis, Zayn loves Liam, Harry loves Zayn and all I want to do is hug you all day. When I see your name I'm so happy and all I want to do is go to you. So when you're not online I really don't know what to do, but I take it with grace and dignity. And if ever someone would be mean to you I would step up and kindly ask what their problem is.
I have some last words to say and those are: I will never leave you, I'm here for you and I love you.
With love, always,
Your Sophie.


Bennedict zei op 4 jan 2012 - 20:21:
Haha well it really is sweet of you to say that. Coming from one of the best persons I've ever met, who will be my weird diseasebuddy, with whom I have the best pact ever and just this amazing girl... It's really... Better than great.
But you know... You make me happy everyday, you make me smile and I just can't imagine a world without you any more. Everything reminds me of you these days.
That. And you are warm, friendly, open and a blast. You always know the right words to say and you are just so kind. Every time I think of you, it makes me smile and you ARE a wonderful person. The best I've met these days. You are one for the books and I can't believe I can call you my friend. I love you. Everyday, any day.


Bennedict zei op 5 jan 2012 - 13:33:
Dearest diseasebuddy,
I cannot believe you remembered. I honestly thought you repressed the memory because I am weird. But knowing the fact that you'll be there when I swallow my tongue, makes me happy. And of course I'll be running to you when you experience the same thing, or when you just need me. I'll be there as fast as that, just call me.
& Of course our pact will go down in history. And I swear I'll love you 'till forever. One Direction you lovely lads, I'll buy Harry lots of cats.

With love get in my bed, yours forever,

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  • Bennedict

    There is no greater light than the light you give my world.

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