I drank to much coffee wich makes me nervous. I have an insane headache. I'm so tired, I feel like I could fall asleep any time but when I close my eyes everything is woozzy because of the coffee. My heart feels empty. My mind is fully loaded. My best friends are all sick. I feel damn lonely. I thought I was over the one guy I really liked so I kissed a random guy at a party last weekend ( wich is totally not my style) and he turns out to be the best friend of the one guy I loved, who I recently have been talking with again after three months of ignoring him because I thought I was mad at him after what he did to me but that didn't seem to be the problem because apparently it was not very hard to forgive him after all. But now I have no clue what the problem was. And I also have no idea how he's goanna react when he finds out. If he finds out. Now I go to school every day feeling like I need to throw up. And then there are my two best friends who recently have been acting kind of close together with makes me feel kind of left out, and that now I need them so much. They also have something against the one guy friend I actually can talk to, and have fun shopping with (no he's not gay). fuck my DAMN life...

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