Name: Liam - Angel / Angelus
Date of birth: 1727
Age: 18-284
Looks: ^^^^
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire
Character: Evil, Smart, Funny
Location: Galway, Sunnydale
Sister: Kathy
Son: Connor Angel / Reilly
Granddaugther: Jasmine Reilly
Love's: Sarah Gilfried, Darla Kramer, Drusilla, Buffy Summer, Faith Lehane
Friends: Buffy Summers, Willow Rosenberg, Xander Harris, Cordelia Chase, Rupert Gilles, Faith Lehane, Darla Kramer, Spike, Drusilla, The Master, Sarah Gilfried, Anna
Job: Kill People / Protect People

Portrayed by: David Boreanaz

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