What’s your Pottermore username?

What Hogwarts House do you think it SOUNDS like:

What Hogwarts House do you WANT to be in:
Slytherin (thats what all the sorting quizes tell me)

And i'm a proud one.

Does the username relate to you at all (why/why not):
Well yes Ice is what my boy sometimes calls me if i'm sad.

and fangs are just very cool (wish i had them)

What kind of wand would you wish to get:

With a core of Veela. I think there just beautiful creatures and of course i love the greek mythology

Pure Blood/Half Blood/Muggle Born:
Pure-blood of course.

Which day 1-7 did you get into Pottermore:
First day.

Cat, Rat, Owl, or Toad? And what name?:

I will take a Owl. A cat is to responsible and i simply don't have any. I really don't like rats and a toad is completely not me. So I will take a Black-Owl a boy with the name Bumbay or a girl with the name Veela.

Expecto Patronum! What is your patronus shape and why?:

I think a Cheetah. There so fast and beautiful and how they run. I've been in love with them for years.

Oh no! You’ve found a boggart! What does it look like?:

A big, fat, hairy spider.

Riddikulus! Now what does it look like?:

It has a unicorn on its head and is become pink and it forks rainbows. xD

Would you rather be an Animagus or a Metamorphmagus and why?:
I'll take a Animagus a Metamorphmagus is just too much of studying and i will hate to chance so often. I'll just be one kind thats enough for me.

If you taught yourself to be an Animagus, what animal would best suit you and why?:

Probably the same as my patronus. Cheetah because you can't mess with them. They are very flexible and always know how there territory looks. If they don't get there way they will just return and try again. and thats how people explain me.

What’s your Pottermore username?

What Hogwarts House do you think it SOUNDS like:

What Hogwarts House do you WANT to be in:

Does the username relate to you at all (why/why not):

What kind of wand would you wish to get:

Pure Blood/Half Blood/Muggle Born:

Which day 1-7 did you get into Pottermore:

Cat, Rat, Owl, or Toad?:

Expecto Patronum! What is your patronus shape and why?:

Oh no! You’ve found a boggart! What does it look like?:

Riddikulus! Now what does it look like?:

Would you rather be an Animagus or a Metamorphmagus and why?:

If you taught yourself to be an Animagus, what animal would best suit you and why?:

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