Een beetje mooie en grappige en leuke tekstjes (:

I wish that I was one of your tears: I'd be born in your eye, I'd live on your cheek and I'd die on your lips <333


I didn't trip! I just simply gave the floor a hug. We haven't seen each other in a while (:

Heartbreaks are a blessing from God. It's just his way of letting you know you deserve better <3

Take me as I am, or don't take me.

There are a hundred reasons why I should give up, but you're the one reason that I keep going <3

I'm short and fat and I'm proud of that.

In the beginning God made the sea. On the 7th day God made me (;

I dropped a tear in the ocean. And the day you find it, is the day I will stop loving you... <3

Never regret the things that once made you smile...

Never regret the things that once made you smile, just learn from the tears that followed.

Il aime la vie, elle aime la mort. Il meurt pour elle, elle vit pour lui.

He loves life, she loves death. He'll die for her, she lives for him.

Letting him go doesn't mean you stopped caring. It means you stopped trying to force him to )=

Voer geen oorlog, voer de eendjes. (;

People change, and often they become the person they said they will never be...

Letters start with ABC... Numbers start with 1,2,3... Music starts with do-re-mi... Love starts with you&me

If he says: "I'll call you", but doesn't. He didn't forget, he didn't lose your number & he didn't die. He just didn't wanna call you...

Where words fail, music speaks

If you don't understand my silence, than you don't deserve my words

Don't let them run your life. It's up to you. Your life, your choices, your mistakes, your lessons...

What is love?

1) Those who play with it call it a game.

2) Those who don't have it call it a dream.

3) And me, I call it you.

It's 3AM. *Phone rings* "Hey, are you sleeping?" "No, I'm skydiving with my grandma..." =D

If you love me, tell me. If you don't, stop giving me hope. But don't mess with me!

I can, but I won't

Like me, hate me. I don't care *_*

Facebook is for friends that are now strangers. Twitter is for strangers that should be your friends.

You call me bitch like it's a bad thing.

Don't tell me she is just a friend. Just so you know, we also started being just 'friends'.

Dit raakte me zo hard...

Do you see that guy who does his homework? He couldn't do it last night, 'cause he was too busy to convince his best friend to not commit suicide.

Do you see that girl with too much makeup? She's insecure, she has to feel beautiful.

Do you see him, the one who wears sweaters with long sleeves every day? He is covered with scars.

Do you see her, with the cheap clothes? Her family could hardly buy food, and no designer labels.

Do you see that girl who laughs at every little thing? She cries herself to sleep every night. Do you wonder why she never brings friends at home? 'Cause she is afraid that her father is drunk, like always.

Do you see the guy that's always giving advice to everyone? He's hoping that one day, someone will give HIM advice.

Do you see that girl who never brings lunch? She is horrified by her own body. Do you see her, with her thin belly? She goes to the bathroom, forcing herself to vomit, so she can stay that thin.

Do you see the guy that bites his nails? He has cancer and thinks about how much more time he has to live.

Do you see your best friend? He is addicted to drugs, but he can't tell you, 'cause you won't understand it.

Do you see that guy that reads everything about november 9th? His parents died at that day.

Do you see the girl that always has her phone in her hands? She's waiting for a call, saying her sister was found, 4 years after she was abducted.

Don't judge before you know what's going on…

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