Are you the one?
Who's reading this and think:
Who the hell is that freaky girl, asking if I'm the one?
The one who's reading this, and knows about being the one. That you are the one?
Are you the one who read or charish moments, with the other one.
Are you the one who's confused about being the one of three things at the same time. Don't you know what I'm talking about anymore?
Are you that one?
Are you that thing that isn't a thing, but a living human?
Do you wish to leave this blog, while thinking: What the hell is the one what the one is, while the one is something I don't know?
Is my one the only one or are there more?
Isn't there shame and pain anymore in your brain because you need an answer to know this is only confusing?
Would you be the one?
The one I am talking about?
Yes? No?

Cause I'm talking about the one. And I do not remember which one I'm asking for...
Are you the one?

Reageer (2)

  • JckSparrow

    Ik werd geboren met mijn tweelingzusje O.O
    Oké, niet leuk :x
    Mooi hoor weer moppie(flower)

    1 decennium geleden
  • BakeOff

    Ik ben wel de enige en de 'eerste' in mijn soort.
    Want iedereen is de ene, niemand is hetzelfde en daardoor is iedereen uniek.
    Ik geloof niet echt dat er een 'one' voor iemand is. iemand die bij je 'past' want.. als iedereen anders is.. kan niemnand bijelkaar!
    Je word alleen geboren en je sterft ook alleen, maar als je tussendoor iemand hebt is dat natuurlijk geweldig maar uiteindelijk ben je áltijd alleen.

    1 decennium geleden

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