There are many experts who have done research to people who are very pretty but not in the inside, just from the outside. They thought that if you are pretty, you can have everything, a good job, a good men and that they were also the happiest woman. But when they were doing research they came to the discovery that the most prettiest women are unhappy. They are accepted because of their looks, not because of their characters. So they feel not accepted, those women want to be accepted because of their characters, not because of their looks. We talked to a woman we thought she was happy and beautiful, but during the conversation we came to the discovery that this woman isn’t even happy with her looks. “I’m not accepted because of my innerbeauty, the men are only watching to my face, body and hair. And because all the people watched to my body, I felt intimidated, so I looked at me in the mirror and all I saw was a body but I also saw the tears behind my smile, the only thing that I wanted was to be accepted because of my innerbeauty. So I cut my hair, I was wearing the clothes of my mom and I didn’t put any make-up on. Soon I discovered that my closest friends and family had already accepted me because of my innerbeauty, they stayed with me, all the other people which are pretending they were my friends were gone”, said Kate.
So people, don’t think that the prettiest woman are also the happiest woman, they have innerstruggles to ! You’re not the only one who’s not happy, but you have to work so you can be happy. You have to accept that when you change your outside, you haven’t changed your inside while you was changing your outside. And when you can’t come to a solution by yourself, ask for some help, from your family or friend but you can also ask a psychologist for some help. Don’t keep on walking down the street with tears in your eyes, at the end there will be some light but you have to work to get that light on. And remember: women are strong!

Geschreven voor Engels project.

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