An angel was sent down from heaven one day
to visit a child who had nothing to say;

Now this young child was poor, great wealth she did lack,
but she always was happy in spite of the fact.

Until one day it happened - her best friend went away
and it left her heartbroken with nothing to say.

Now the task of the angel was a great one indeed,
to give hope to a heart that was so much in need.

And though great riches and power were at the angel's command,
he sent a lost kitten and the healing began.

The girl cheered the kitten as it tracked down a snail,
and she started to giggle when he chased his own tail.

Then without any warning the girl whose heart broke
found some reason for saying these words that she spoke -

"I love you little kitten ... I hope you will stay!
We will always be friends and together we'll play."

Now the little girl was happy though she still remained poor,
for she had a new friend someone to care for.

You see riches and power are fine things indeed
but for a broken heart that is not what you need.

The angel was wise for he knew in the end
how to mend a broken heart with the touch of a friend.

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