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Tulisa Contostavlos~Ed Sheeran~Olly Murs~TeamMK1~TeamKye~Ella Henderson~James Arthur

We're all a little part of the world, and the 4 of us, are a little part of the dream. #LittleDream
Sarah - Lynn - Hanne - Lindsey

Liam James Payne, Louis William Tomlinson, Zayn Javadd Malik, Niall James Horan & Harry Edward Styles. Five boys who changed my life, in the best way I could wish for. Those five made me the person I am today, the real me. They teached me to never give up on my dreams. They're the only ones who can bring a smile on my face in the darkest times. I just can't find a word that describes how thankfull I am and how much I love them. They really make me the proudest girl in the world. One Direction, Thank you for giving me your best.

I love those Little Muffins so much! They inspire me with every little thing they do and I will always support them, no matter what! Proud to be a Mixer.

I don't want my prince on the white horse. I hope one day I'll find my Louis, and I'll be his Eleanor.
Not many people in Belgium and Holland may know them, but I am so so SO proud to call myself a 3eek! Everything I do, I do it for them! They mean so much to me and I love them... with every heartbeat.
They answered my tweet 10-11-2012, 04:47 pm
They followed me 18-11-2012, 9:13 pm
They tweeted me 18-11-2012, 9:13 pm
They answered my tweet 19-11-2012, 8:05 pm
They answered my question on Tumblr 18-12-2012

Tulisa, my rolemodel! So much people hates her, But I'm proud to say I love her with hole my heart! Yes she made mistakes, But she taught me that it's alright to make mistakes, because everybody makes mistakes! And it's okay that you aren't perfect, nobody is! As long as you are yourself, you are beautiful!

*Eleanor J. Calder (l)
*I will Never give op on my dreams.
*The Liam to my Zayn
*Sarah I don't know you for a long time, but I already know that I don't want to lose you. Together we're going to make our dreams and fantasies come true. I'm sure. And I just want you to know that I love you and I'll always be there for you, no matter what.

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Don't worry, Be Hippie

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1 Creaties van Hippieness

Gastenboek (215)

  • xoippxo

    oops click this i mean xd


    1 decennium geleden
  • xoippxo

    Ik maak geen #6 op mijn seven minutes :(
    Ik heb een freaking waarschuwing gehad, en ik moet ze weghalen.
    Maar met mijn geniale brein heb ik iets bedacht wat jullie vast leuk zullen vinden!

    click me![/url]

    hope you like!

    xoxo ipje

    1 decennium geleden
  • Partyhard

    Heeey bandlidje <3
    Ik weet ni of ik bij mijn nonkel op de pc ga grake, dus voor als da ni het geval zou zijn stuur ik hier nog een berichtje (:
    Ik ben vrijdagavond terug thuis, of ik dan nog op de pc graak weet ik ni.. Zaterdag ga ik naar Laundry Day, maar dan spreek ik u 's avonds nog wel :'D Hebt ge trouwens de joepie gelezen, da van Zayn? Echt zo hard overdreven! Alsof dat Zayn 1D zou verlaten.
    En hebt gij nog een leuke dag gehad vandaag? ^^
    I'm gonna miss you!
    Loveyou cutiepie! <3

    1 decennium geleden
  • Partyhard

    Inderdaad! ;D
    We moeten nog een awesome naam verzinnen hé ^^ xx

    1 decennium geleden
  • Partyhard

    Oh jammer!
    Binnenkort treden wij daar zelf op ;D -kben weer an't fantaseren ze..-

    1 decennium geleden

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