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FreeSpirit is offline

somewhere deep in thought


lezen, gamen, rondhangen, verhalen schrijven


mijn reactie bij vage opmerkingen

voor mensen met swag

and me hero

my lufs

jongens kijken

I'm a practical joke with a big smile on her face

Just because I'm different, doesn't meen you have to treat me like I'm revolting.

Being different for everybody is the best thing in my life, be something nobody els is

Talking to me is fine and if you don't want to? I won't miss you

You don't want to be friends with me? Thats fine because remember there is no handfull but a landfull of people en friends I haven't met yet.

The persons who are the most close to me are those from who I would never though they would be there for me.

talk to my hand or get a punch in the face.

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7 Creaties van FreeSpirit

Gastenboek (1082)

  • IJsvogel

    Oow das vetting vervelend!!
    Maar wel stoer van dat zingen ^^
    Maar kmoet naar mijn nest, kzie jou morgen Xxx

    1 decennium geleden
  • IJsvogel

    Gisteren ook al?
    Maar maakt niet uit ;p
    Maar hoe iest het nou met jou? XDD

    1 decennium geleden
  • IJsvogel

    Dat kun je wel zien das is Denassieeee xd
    Hoeist? Nog steeds een nieuwe story die jij nog niet gelezen hebt...

    1 decennium geleden
  • xJusty

    Omg.. Denies.. ik heb net Zux part 2 gelezen. Deze is nog walgelijker..

    Part 2.

    Harry and Zayn sat at the house, they didn’t know what to, so they called Liam. He answered, “Hello,?” he said. Zayn and Harry read the “Zux Fanfic” to him through muffled tears. Liam was absolutely disgusted. Liam dropped everything and went straight to Zayn’s house to support them through their emotional distress. Liam arrived at noon, He knocked at the door and when Harry answered he quickly embraced him. After a few short minutes passed by they all laid on the floor together crying. Zayn was apalled by the fact that a “Directioner” could get the story so wrong. He quickly stood up and with a depressed look on his face, he said, “Guys, I think we need to tell the story in our own words”. And now our story begins. Zayn woke up one foggy morning laying next to Harry. He smiled down at Harry sleeping and gently kissed him on the forehead. He stood up and stretched, he was wearing nothing but a bed sheet.

    He walked to the kitchen and prepared scrambled eggs marinated with his own cum. As he smiled, “Harry will love this.” He placed the food onto a silver platter and walked back to the bedroom. He placed the platter on his side of the bed and shook Harry awake. Harry looked up into Zayn’s eyes and smiled. Zayn moved the platter to the nightstand and crawled back into the bed with Harry caressing him with a fork. Harry was very pleased and then he fed Zayn some of the eggs. “Mmmmm,” he muttered, “Thats splendid.” Harry asked Zayn if he wanted to share a shower with him, because he was almost late for his doctor appointment. Zayn was pleased with this idea, so he got up and turned on the shower head to the “massage” setting. Harry followed him and stripped down in the bathroom. They entered the shower together and Harry became aroused. Zayn took notice of this and things got hotter.

    Harry was perfectly aware that he was late to his doctors appointment, but he decided to skip it. He grabbed Zayn’s ass and for the next 2 hours they made hot, sweet, passionate love. Zayn’s hand slammed on the glass door, leaving a steamy handprint. Harry pulled out, cum dripping out of Zayn’s ass and a trail leading from Harry’s cock. They opened the door and got out of the shower, they walked to their room, over to the closet, opening it to see Justin Bieber standing in a tutu and Michael Jacksons “Thriller” jacket. He stepped out of the closet, dusted his shoulders off, and looked at the two. “You guys are some fucking fags” Justin said before doing the Michael Jackson toe stand and disappearing into a cloud of pink smoke. Zayn and Harry ignored the teen idol and continued to get clothes from the closet. They got dressed and prepared themselves for the day. The two were laying on the bed cuddling and watching “The Notebook” as Zayn’s phone rang. It was his stylist asking for a favor, Zayn agreed and Crystabel dropped off little baby Lux. Zayn and Harry spent at least an hour cooing at the baby and playing house. Harry exclaimed “Oh no! I forgot to have Crystabel drop off baby food!” “Shit” Zayn slurred under his breath “Can you go pick some up babe?” “I guess, honey bun.” Harry said. As Zayn patiently waited for his lover to return he was flipping through the cable channels, He saw a title that greatly intersted him. It was called “Weapons Of Ass Destruction on demand.” He turned to the channel and agreed to pay the $10.99 price to watch it. As the show opened Zayn grabbed vaseline and some tissues. He watched until his hand got tired and he suddenly couldn’t take it any longer. He texted and called Harry multiple times, but it kept going to voicemail and there was no response. By this time he was so horny he couldn’t take it any longer, he looked at Lux, and suddenly he got an urge he couldn’t handle. He walked to Lux with horrible intentions, he then picked her up and caressed her rolls of baby fat. Harry then walked into the house, “What the hell is going on here,” he said. Zayn quickly dropped Lux looking at Harry in shock.

    “Oh… uhhh… nothing, I tried calling and texting you and you didn’t answer.” Harry looked at him with look of dissapointment on his face, “I can’t believe you were going to do this….. without me.” He then smiled, “Pick up Lux and let’s get this show on the road.” Zayn picked up Lux and tore off her clothes and then the diaper followed Zayn and Harry took off their pants, they softfully touch each others cocks, they look and Lux and smile, they start to brush their cocks against her face. Zayn took her by the legs, placed her on the ground and began to force hiself inside her. She began to cry, Harry quickly stuck his cock inside her mouth so she would stop. Her tears soaked on his cock, arousing him more. Zayn finally got inside her, she tore and was now bleeding, but he didn’t care, he was now fucking Lux. Harry pulled out of her mouth because something began to touch his cock that wasn’t her tounge. Zayne’s cock came through her mouth, blood, bone pieces and her lower intestine was pushed through her mouth. Harry smiled and began to make out with Lux, also sucking Zayn off. The two began weeping after realizing that the baby was dead. As they cried the had an idea about how to hide the remains. Zayn dialed up his dealer and got a fresh order of bath salts. The salts arrived in less than an hour and the smell was already so horrible that they were forced to wear gas masks. Zayn shared the bath salts with Harry and the two got high very fast. They began howling and their eyes turned red as they ripped off their gas masks. They ripped the baby in half and her already torn remains splattered all over their bed room. They ate her insides with pleasurable looks on their faces as they tore apart her bones. After there was no more remains left to eat they began licking up the splattered blood and guts from the walls. They laid there on the floor with blood on their face until they sobered up and took another shower. Soon, Crystabel called looking for her baby. Zayn and harry did a great job of pretending she was kidnapped by Justin Bieber. Liam stared at the two and began weeping even harder when he heard the real truth behind the “Zux Fanfic.” He told the two that he needed to take a breather, and quickly ran outside to call Crystabel. Crystabel called the other band members and they all gathered in Zayn and Harry’s house. Crystabel said that they were forgiven, but it was obvious that she was just lying when she pulled out a gun and shot all of the band members and then herself. “Oh no, there goes her ovaries.”

    1 decennium geleden
  • IJsvogel

    Dat word le oefenen xd Mie gaat ook weer veel oefenen.
    Maar kmoet van mijn pa van le laptop vandaan -.-
    Troeste enzow! Xx

    1 decennium geleden

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