• Ja, ben ik dat? (nerd)

    Whosoever chooses to follow guidance, follows it for his own good; whosoever goes astray, goes astray to his own loss.

    Hij lijkt op Zac Efron, maar hij is veeeeeel hotter :9~

    Life has many different chapters, one bad chapter doesn't mean the end of the book.

    Romances schreef:
    Hij is knap :9~

    You can't fly unless you let yourself fall.

    Clums schreef:
    Hij lijkt op Zac Efron, maar hij is veeeeeel hotter:9~ .

    [ bericht aangepast op 15 nov 2010 - 18:21 ]

    Behind the laughter it actually means something.

    Romances schreef:
    Hij is knap :9~

    effort never betrays you