• Ik zoek iemand die mijn presentatie op taalfouten kan nakijken. Spelfouten boeit me nu niet, omdat ik al Word heb en omdat het een mondelinge presentatie is, maar het is toch wel handig als er taalfouten worden uitgehaald.
    We doen het overigens met ons tweeën, dus niet dat je denk dat er een deel mist.

    Paediatric euthanasia in the USA/UK
    There are two ways to die with the help of a physician. There is euthanasia where the physician administers the drug that will let you pass away. And there is also PAD, Physician aid in dying, where the physician just gives the patient the drug. The patient can than decide when and where he or she wants to die.
    In the United States of America it is illegal to commit euthanasia in all states. However, Washington, Oregon, Montana and Vermont allow their physicians to distribute the drug in certain cases.
    In the UK, it is completely illegal to do either of these two. Any person who assists someone to commit suicide or euthanasia, will be convicted with assisting suicide or an attempt to do so. The Scottish parliament is discussing a possibility that at some point in the future, there will be a law for euthanasia. There will then be different laws within the UK
    But for now euthanasia is prohibited for adults in the USA and the UK, let alone for children.

    There has always been a discussion going on about Euthanasia, including paediatric euthanasia. During this discussion a lot of benefits have been maintained. I will discuss and explain the three most important benefits of paediatric euthanasia. Euthanasia ends the suffering, it is cheaper than continuing the procedure and there is no right to prohibit euthanasia.
    First of all, euthanasia is to end the lives of patients who are terminally ill and are suffering a great deal of pain. There are a lot of children who are in a lot of pain. Children experience pain differently than adults, but that’s not a reason to let them suffer. When children are in real agony and there’s no end to their suffering, they should be able to end their life painlessly. There are not many physicians who are willing to take the life of someone who still has to live very long and will cure or at least will be able to live with his or her disease. Euthanasia will only be committed when the patient can never be cured and will only suffer.
    Second of all, it is way cheaper than continuing the procedure. It will cost the insurance, the government and the parents a lot of money if they keep the terminally ill child alive. Treatment on this level, where a child is very ill, will cost a lot. You have to think about medicine to reduce the pain, medicine to keep the child alive, doctor appointments and maybe the hospital, if the child is staying in a hospital. Palliative care can be very expensive, because this kind of care is very thorough. Palliative care aims to enhance the quality of the live of someone who is dying.
    And finally, we have no right to prohibit someone from dying. There are so many ways to die. Someone can refuse treatment, someone can refuse to eat or they can commit suicide on a brute way with -for example- a knife. Why should we let people, in this case children, suffer so much if they want to die anyway. If we don’t help them ease away, they will find another way if they really want to die. Who are we to prohibit someone from dying if that is their last wish. By making euthanasia and paediatric euthanasia legal, it can be controlled. Besides, we are allowed to abort a foetus, so why won’t we expand this?

    We have no right to prohibit someone who is suffering a great deal from dying. That would be inhuman. But there are also people who believe that it is not to us humans to take somebody’s life, but to God. This religious component is still standing strong in Europe and America. We can’t ignore this.
    However, everyone has his or hers own opinion after seeing the pros and the cons. So we will express our opinions as well.

    I agree with the fact that no one has the right to take somebody else’s life, but if that person is suffering, especially if it is a child and all the criteria are met, then I see no harm in letting that child ease off to a painful death. There is absolutely no point in prohibiting euthanasia and letting those pore, ill children live in agony. That is just cruel. They deserve the right to die, how hard it can be for the parents or the physicians.

    Dus, hoe slecht is het?

    You could be great, you know, it’s all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt

    1. The patient can than decide then when and where he or she wants to die.
    2. There will then be different laws within the UK Wat bedoel je precies met deze zin?
    3. First of all, euthanasia is a way to end the lives of patients who are terminally ill and are suffering a great deal of pain.
    4. Children experience pain in a different way than adults, that is correct. , but that’sHowever, this is not a reason to let them suffer.
    5. There are not many physicians who are willing to take the life of someone who still has to live very long and will cure or at least will be able to live with his or her disease. Deze zin is erg lang waardoor ik 'm niet meer begrijp. Ik zou zeggen: hak het in twee stukken.
    6. Second of all, euthanasia it is way<- in dit geval is dit spreektaal cheaper than continuing the procedure
    7. Palliative care aims to enhance the quality of the live life of someone who is dying.
    8. Why should we let people, in this case children, suffer so much if they want to die anyway?
    9. If we don’t help them to ease away from life, they will find another way if they really want to die.
    10. Who are we to prohibit someone from dying if that is their last wish?
    11. Over je conclusie: je haalt hier een tegenargument naar voren die je niet hebt toegelicht in je stuk, misschien kun je daar beter eerst wat over vertellen in je stuk voordat je je conclusie schrijft? Ik zou van je conclusie meer een korte opsomming maken.
    12. They deserve the right to die, how even though this might be hard it can be for the parents or the physicians.
    13. Probeer voornamelijk te letten op lange zinnen. Probeer ze in stukjes te hakken. Dan maak je ook minder snel fouten. Ik vind het voor de rest best een goed stuk! Je gebruikt mooi Engels, leuk om te lezen.

    Life is hard and then we die

    Ik wil je nog aanraden om oftewel overal afkortingen te gebruiken, oftewel geen.
    Bijvoorbeeld hier:
    But there are also people who believe that it is (Hier kan je dus that it's doen) not to us humans to take somebody’s life, but to God. This religious component is still standing strong in Europe and America. We can’t (hier gebruik je wel afkorting) ignore this.

    Ik hoop dat je begrijpt wat ik bedoel (:

    “Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.” - Tolkien

    En, om even op Chip's opmerking terug te komen: als dit gaat om een formeel document, dan moet je "can't" altijd schrijven als "cannot"

    Life is hard and then we die

    Ik heb nu niet de puf ervoor om ernaar te kijken, maar als je morgen nog iemand nodig hebt, wil ik wel een poging doen. De enige tip die ik je nu geef is om zo min mogelijk 'there' te gebruiken, want het wordt heel vaak niet juist gebruikt. Dat zegt mijn Engels leraar altijd en hij is Brits.

    Take risks and conquer your fears.

    PUKKELxDING schreef:
    En, om even op Chip's opmerking terug te komen: als dit gaat om een formeel document, dan moet je "can't" altijd schrijven als "cannot"

    Dat is spelling. En mij boeit geschreven spelling niet in dit stuk. (cat)
    Alsnog bedankt voor de tip.

    [ bericht aangepast op 3 feb 2014 - 20:36 ]

    You could be great, you know, it’s all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt