• En Orianna, lady of the clockwork, kwam terug!

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    De Lore, voor de geïnteresseerden.
    There once was a Piltovian man named Corin Reveck who had a daughter named Orianna, whom he loved more than anything else in the world. Though Orianna had incredible talent for dancing, she was deeply fascinated by the champions of the League of Legends. This fascination compelled her to begin training to become such a champion. It is unfortunate that her sheltered, wide-eyed naivete led her to take unnecessary and dangerous chances which ultimately led to her tragic demise. Orianna's death shattered Corin, driving him into deep depression and an obsession with techmaturgy. He could not stand the void his daughter's death left in his life, so he decided to build a replacement – one that would complete Orianna's dream of joining the League. What was created is the clockwork killing machine that Corin named after his daughter. Knowing that she was destined to be a champion and seeing the way the times were changing, he created The Ball as her pet and protector. This nearly symbiotic creation uses a different type of techmaturgy, relying more heavily on electricity than clockwork.
    Orianna and The Ball now fight as Champions in the League of Legends, using her sometimes misguided morality as a compass. She tries in earnest to fit in with those around her. However, no matter how hard she tries, Orianna can never be human and there is always something unnerving and alien about her. Though she attempts social interaction with other champions in the League of Legends, there are few who can get past her exotic nature. To many, it's as if there's nothing inside, that Orianna is just a soulless clockwork shell – a dangerous and deadly one at that. However, all along she remains the perfect daughter in her father's eyes.

    "Dance with me, my pet. Dance with me into oblivion."

    Wat vinden jullie? En wat betekend jullie username?

    [ bericht aangepast op 19 okt 2013 - 23:29 ]

    26 - 02 - '16

    Orianna schreef:

    Ik vind Orianna echt awesome, vanwege haar geluidjes en haar moves zeg maar. Ik heb ook een skin van haar c;
    Nice welke? Orianna kan echt een pain in the ass zijn vind ik.

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, will there be glory if I fall?

    Avarosa schreef:
    (...)Nice welke? Orianna kan echt een pain in the ass zijn vind ik.

    Bladecraft Orianna c;

    26 - 02 - '16

    Orianna schreef:

    Bladecraft Orianna c;
    Die heeft Jelle ook. :p

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, will there be glory if I fall?

    Leuke naam.

    [ bericht aangepast op 20 okt 2013 - 12:41 ]

    A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend. ~Author Unknown