I've seen a girl named Ana.
she's pretty thin and tall.
she has the smallest frame i've ever seen
and not one single flaw

I met this girl named Ana.
She introduced herself today.
She seems so very nice and kind.
She says she wants to stay

I know this girl named Ana
She's so perfect and it's true.
i'm so fat compared to her
but she'll make me skinny to

I'm friends with this girl named ana
I started eating less.
hating the person in the mirror
my life's becoming a mess

My best friend is this girl named Ana
I want her to always stay.
All my other friends have left.
Butt she will never stray

The only one i listen to is Ana
she's so smart and full of advice
i'm starting to get smaller.
My health is the only sacrifice

I'm scared of this girl named Ana
I can't get her out of my head
It finaly occurred to me
She wants me to be dead

I hate this girl named Ana
She make my life a living hell
Someone please hear my silent screams
Cause she won't let me tell

My worst enemy is this girl named Ana
She's a demon in my head
she seems so very nice at first
but i was so mislead

I'm prisoner to this girl named Ana
I'm captive to her will
I can't help but to do what she says
how can i be so fat still


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CHAPTER 1 302 93 1 decennium geleden

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