
Why him?
Just that one guy
Of all of the boys I chose him to be my chrush
I would never be visible to him
He don't even know the real me
Why would he like me?
I am just a girl
I could never reich the beauty of all the other girls....

You will never see me as how I see you.
You just see me as a girl from school
I see you as more than that
I see you as a friend,
Someone I can talk to
Someone I feel comfortable with
Someone I trust

You are crazy like hel, still I like you to much to give up
I am afraid to tell you about my feelings for you
Afraid that you might don't feel the same way.
I know for sure you're not..
I mean who would like a ugly, shy girl as me?

I see the way you look at that one girl. The one with the beauty.
I hope someday you'll look at me as the way you look at her.

Do you even notice me?
Do you know I excist?

I want someone wich I can feel save with
Someone who can protect me
Someone I can laugh with
Someone who cares about me
Someone who thinks I'm pretty
Just someone who likes me the way I am....

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