Memorial. - Remember me.

This is the day
When I stop hanging my head in shame
I have made my choice
Because I dont want to carry on
Its ok, if I'll end up being wrong.
I have tried to reach out to people here
For them to stay strong and confront their fears
To start smiling and put away their tears
"Dont be afraid"
This is your turn
Stand up tall stay firm
I look up to the sky
"Why do i feel like this and put up with it?"
I ask myself why.
You will never see what is behind closes doors
Never know why my eyes are always sore
Never understand why I called you all the time
Even though I told you that I'm fine
I ring you, just to hear your voice
I see you just to feel your touch
My heart pours out, I love you so much
I can't carry on like this you know that right?
I just want to love you and always be by your side
Hold my hand we we'll run away you said
"I cant" I said, while you stood there thinking ahead
This time I pushed you away
I finally said what i wanted to say
"I will love you forever, believe me
But i cant carry on like this its my turn to be free,
Please dont forget that time at the beach
When I was the only one you wanted to see
Please, if I go, remember me with a smile
Even the times when I didn't see you for a while
Remember me as a strong person who couldnt take anymore
Don't remember me as the girl who was tattered and torn
Take in my smile the day I first met you
I will be in heaven, and I'll wait to see you
Carry on with your life, and be the happiest person on earth"
You looked at me like, where did this come from?
You asked me where I was going.. would I be long?
I didnt answer I just walked away
You ran after me, begging me to stay
I shook my head
There's nothing more to be said
I dont want to punch walls
I dont want you to watch me fall, Anymore
It is going to kill me not to see your blue eyes
But I dont want arguments anymore no more fights
I kissed your cheek
And said Goodbye

Reageer (10)

  • Ichwillliebe

    onwijs mooi! :3

    1 decennium geleden
  • Novacaine

    Ok, ik was bijna aan het janken.

    Prachtig, ik voel me precies zo.


    1 decennium geleden
  • Chrysanthe

    wow super mooi gedicht(flower)

    1 decennium geleden
  • Marble

    wow, laaang xd
    maar mooi hoor haha (:

    1 decennium geleden
  • Winters


    1 decennium geleden

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